
Corners of the Internet

9:00:00 AM

There are many reasons why I love to blog, one of those reasons, if you read my 2 year blogging anniversary post a few weeks back, is that I get to read other people's blogs. There's just something really nice about relaxing with a cup of tea on a weekend morning that I don't have to be rushing off somewhere and reading about someone else's life. It's the little community I log into on my laptop and visit other people's corners of the internet. 
While I have never written a post like this, I thought since I didn't do a traditional "things I liked in 2015 post" last month, it would be nice to do a "blogs i've liked in the last year" but that title is too long. So without further ado...here are some of the blogs that I've been reading and hope you do too!


Muted Mornings- I found Mimmi's blog through another blog that was having a postcard swap, and ever since then I've loved reading about her adventures and life in Glasgow! (also if you love owls and Harry Potter make sure to check her out.) 

Sallys Baking Addiction- I can't tell you how many times I visit Sallys blog daily, especially being away from home. I come up with quite a list of things to bake. Sally's recipes are some of the best and if you have a throbbing sweet tooth, love for sprinkles and want a baking tip or two, go visit Sally! 

Daydreams of Summertime - I've been reading Sarah's posts for awhile now and I really enjoy them. She recently went on a trip to New York City and shared amazing photos from her trip. If you're like me, you'll want to book your own tickets as soon as you're finished reading them! 

Just Being Brooklyn- While I just started reading Brooklyn's posts, I love the voice she writes in and her posts about her time in Australia. This girl went bungee jumping! 

Memories of the Pacific- Cristina is probably one of the longest readers I've had, and I really enjoy everything about her blog, from her outfit posts, to reviews about places she has been. I do hope you check out her blog, it's such a nice read!

Life Outside London- Michelle has a dog. If you like dogs, then you'll like Michelle. I love what she posts and seeing photos of her pups always brightens my day, and I hope it brightens yours as well!

Another fashion blog that I love and follow is of course, The Trend Pear. Eleanor and Max are best friends living in London and sharing their favorite fashion forward looks, spots to eat and holiday bits. I really enjoy this post and love seeing the looks they put together. They even give a look for less option, yes thank you. 

Oh I'm Bree- Bree is new to the blogging community, with bits about life since she's moved to a new town and reviews and opinions, you can really tell she's a great person through her writing. (also she's my real-life pal )  So go give Bree a nice welcoming hello! 

Drops of Anna- Anna is one of the sweetest people, and her blogs about her adventures and life in Spain are always a great read. 

Alice's Antics- blogging from across the pond, I found Alice through Louise on Sprinkle of Glitter while she was living in Italy and have thoroughly enjoyed her real life voice and antics. She's on her way to studying in the states and I cannot wait to continue to read her posts! 

I hope this gives you all a nice list of bloggers to check out! Who are your top 3 favorite bloggers? I could have added Niomi Smart, Zoella, Louise, Tanya Burr, but I figured most of you know who they are! If you have a blog make sure to leave a comment down below! I cannot wait to check them out. 

Thanks for reading as always! Hope you're all having a great week!
xx Kenzie

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  1. Such a cute post! I really like your blog, let me know if you would like to follow each other! x

  2. Thanks so much for the shout out!
    I can't wait to read more of your posts this year :)


  3. This is such a lovely post, and it was so sweet of you to mention me & my blog, thank you! (: I think this is a great way to share what kind of blogs you enjoy, and also a nice way to give your followers blog recommendations; since I for one, am always looking for new blogs to read/follow!! Much love my dear!

    1. Of course! I love looking for new blogs and hadn't done a post like this before so I'm glad you approve! :) x

  4. I haven't read any of these blogs so thanks for sharing them with us!

    Yousra | Mystic Tales

    1. You're very welcome! Thank you for reading! :) x


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