

8:30:00 AM

I will be the first to admit, finding foods to enjoy without any added sugars is really hard and sometimes I give in. Scrolling through my instagram feed, I kept seeing users post colorful photos of nicecream. Nicecream? My first thought was something like "it's run by someone who lives a vegan lifestyle so it must just mean it's dairy-free." I actually wanted some so bad. It looked so good! And who wouldn't want an ice-cream inspired dish for breakfast? 

I thought I would never be able to have it because added sugars. That is, until I found out that nicecream just simply meant, frozen bananas blended up in a blender with soy or nut-based milk. SUPER easy. SUPER...nice. 

Here are some of my favorite flavors that I've made with my mini blender (my $15 purchase is definitely getting great use.) 

1. Peanut-Butter Banana

       -2 medium bananas, sliced and frozen
       -1 spoonful of peanut powder

Banana Icecream
I totally combined the top recipe and the bottom, just with a bit less pb powder and cinnamon! 

2. Simple Berry Pick me up
  -2 medium bananas, sliced and frozen
  -berries of your choice (I used raspberries and blueberries)
  -soy/whatever nut milk you prefer


3. Just Bananas

    -2 medium bananas, sliced and frozen
    -nut milk

4. Banana Bread Nicecream

  -2 medium bananas, sliced and frozen
  -walnuts to top
  -choice of milks

5. Blueberry Banana 

   -2 medium bananas, sliced and frozen
   -handful of blueberries frozen, or thawed
 -some cacao

I like to add chia seeds sometimes to these if I think I want some more fiber. I love these so far and I can't wait to try some more! Honestly these are so simple, and so much more healthier for you than what's sold at the store, though you can still go out and get them. I like to freeze the bananas for about a day before making them, if I wait too long they'll go brown when I take them out of the freezer pretty quick. Because I live in a dorm, I like to be the courteous neighbor and make my breakfast nicecream the night before so that I'm not waking up anyone super early!

Have you ever made these before? I was so excited it worked that I nearly ran down the hall making everyone try it! You can mix and match flavors as well!
I hope you enjoy them, especially as it gets closer to summer!
x Kenzie

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  1. My Dear Kenzie, You inspire me. Love you, Grammie

  2. THANK YOU FOR SHARING THIS YOU WONDERFUL PERSON. A healthier alternative to ice-cream? My thighs are KISSING you.


    1. This is my favorite comment ever. Thanks for reading!

  3. This looks and sounds delicious, I'll have to try it some time!x http://www.coffeeatmidnight13.blogspot.co.uk/

  4. Ive heard of these before but this post really makes me want to make some like right now!! Never thought of adding peanut powder <3 This is genius. Followed you~

    My Passion Blog | BCfactor.blogspot.com

    1. I love banana and peanutbutter sandwiches so I thought why not!?!

  5. This looks delicious, I really want to make it now! xx


  6. YES WHO KNEW!!! I want to try to make strawberry icecream next! :) x

  7. It's the first time I hear about nicecream but I love the idea! I also want to try chia seeds because I keep hearing wonderful things about them.


    1. it's delicious! Chia seeds are a good source of fiber! I love them! :)

  8. This looks so good!! I've cut cow's milk out of my diet for over a year but still haven't found a good alternative to ice cream but this looks delicious :) xxx

    1. It's really good! And the banana isn't even an overpowering flavor which is perfect!

  9. I've heard of "Nice Cream" before but this post honestly makes me want to run downstairs and make one right now aha

    Christina ♡ from Okay Christina

  10. aaah nice cream has been on my to-make list for ages! I want to do raspberry and banana first I think xx

    1. That's why I love this because you can do whatever you want with it! :)

  11. The peanut butter variation sounds absolutely delicious! I've just gotten over my blender fears so I'm always on the lookout for ways to use it :) I know what you mean about it being hard to find clean sugar-free recipes but its always so rewarding when you do! x

    Viva Epernay


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