
Almond Butter Cups

8:00:00 AM

There are a lot of things that I love in this world. Two of them off that list are almond butter, and chocolate. Aside from exploring new entree recipes, it's important to indulge now and then! With dark chocolate and nut butter, where could you go wrong? 

Dark Chocolate Almond Butter

For this recipe in particular, I used the Endangered species variety of dark chocolate, one being caramel (non-vegan) and one being almond. You can choose whatever type of chocolate your heart desires and whatever nut butter as well. 

Almond Butter

Are you ready to make your own little cups of chocolatey-almond happiness?

Here's what you'll need: 

Dark Chocolate
Organic Almond Butter
Ice-cube tray

Here's what you'll need to do:

Break the chocolate apart. I used bars of dark chocolate! 
If you used two variations of dark chocolate like I did, make sure you melt them in seperate bowls! 
Melt each bowl of chocolate (depends on your microwave, I melted for about a minute).
Stir and if it's not melted enough then add about 10 seconds stirring afterwards

Add the chocolate to ice-cube tray (filling about half way)
Chocolate Cups
It'll be delicious don't worry! 

Add small amount of almond butter
Top with rest of chocolate
Set into freezer for about 30 minutes or overnight
Take out and enjoy!
Homemade Candy

These are so simple to make and super fun! This is also the first time I have ever made something in the dorms! I wouldn't recommend using a caramel-filled chocolate just because I accidentally burnt mine and set the smoke detector off. Oh well. Ya live and ya learn! 
Vegan Peanut Butter Cups

Vegan Candy

I hope you enjoyed this recipe and try it out! What is your favorite snack that you indulge in? Make sure to leave a comment! 

As always, thanks for reading!  

You can also use mini-muffin tins, I didn't have any nor do I have the room in my mini fridge for storage! 

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  1. Looks Super Delish. Yum, YUm. Thanks for sharing. Grammie

  2. These look amazing!!! I should try them bc how can one say no to chocolate haha
    Anna x


  3. I have to try these!! Almond butter and Chocolate are two of my favorite things, thank-you for sharing x


  4. You can actually make some at home too if you'd like! :) I've got a new recipe coming NEXT saturday for cashew butter you might want to check out :)

  5. Ahhh this looks so darn good!! Thanks for the recipe!! :)
    Yours Truly, NY | INSTAGRAM

    1. Thanks for reading them! I hope you enjoy them! :)

  6. These. Look. Amazing. !!!!!!! There is something about melted chocolate that just speaks to me on a deeper level!

    Katie. xx LaCocoNoire

  7. The buttercups look so yummy! And so simple to make! I might have to make these when my craving go on the fritz. I LOVE chocolate-covered anything!

    xx Bash |   go say   H E Y   B A S H

    1. They're SO delicious! I hope you enjoy them! :)

  8. I've never heard of almond butter, I wonder if I can find it in Spain... Maybe I'll use peanut butter instead ;)


    1. It's super expensive here which is why I don't have it a lot! But you can probably actually make your own (Which is Next weeks post!! :) )

  9. Thanks for sharing! I am a chocolate addict :)

  10. Hi!!
    OMG These look so yummyyy!!
    I really really love chocolate! Thanks for the recipe!
    Your blog is awesome!!


    1. They're delicious! I hope you enjoy them! :) x

  11. Hi Kenzie! I love your blog! I am a new blogger from the Philippines, and I am just amazed with your post! I might try baking!




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