
Downtown Asheville

7:30:00 AM

After driving 10 hours three weeks ago, my family and I found ourselves winding out of the beautiful green and blue mountains of North Carolina into the city of Asheville. We would be staying two days and three nights in the city. Our hotel was nestled in the hills, just down the road from the downtown area. 

Downtown Asheville is filled with little shops and fun places to eat and grab a treat. On our first night, we learned Asheville is a dog friendly town, many of the shops allow people to bring their dogs and because there is so much outdoor seating, people even bring their dogs out for dinner. Being a massive dog lover, I loved it. 

Having said that, we also stumbled across a "Before I die.." wall where anyone who passes by can write what they want to accomplish or have happen before they die. What did I write? To own my very own dog of course! 


Before I die wall

Asheville, NC

Nearby the wall, there was also an old double decker bus that served coffee, though I'm not a coffee drinker they had other drinks, but I just wanted my photo taken in front of it! 
North Carolina, USA


The people we met in Asheville, were very nice, and not having had google mapped the city before we arrived, I would have been surprised at how it was set into the hills. The weather was lovely during the day for us to walk around. We put a lot of life into our time in Asheville and I'll tell you all about it in the next couple of posts I have coming up! 
I hope you enjoyed this one! 
Have you ever been to Asheville or North Carolina? Do you know any place like this that you have been to? Make sure to comment below! 
x Kenzie

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  1. That was a really long drive! But it looks like it was worth it. I've never been to North Carolina but next time I'm in the USA I'd like to visit a few more states, there are so many beautiful places to see in your country.
    Have a lovely weekend, Kenzie.


    1. It is so lovely! I hope you get to visit someday!

  2. Asheville seems like such a quaint and sweet little town! I would love love love to visit North Carolina someday; all the Sarah Dessen and Nicholas Sparks novels have made that a state on my US destination list :-) You look adorable and it sounds like you had a great time; I love seeing those "Before I Die" walls!

    And I have a feeling you'll own your own dog one day ;-)

    1. It was lovely! Definitely reminded us all of Nicholas Sparks books! Thanks so much for your lovely words :) x


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