
Making Lemons from Lemonade

7:00:00 AM

Chicago Illinois

Hello everyone! I'm officially back from holiday, while I soaked in as much vitamin D as I could, I let this blog take a back seat. I honestly loved being off the internet, it was freeing not to have it with me and just have my nice camera, not to worry about if my phone was left behind and not checking what was happening every 15 minutes on social media. 

So, where was I? May 31st through June 14th I was gone, and I stayed near Charleston South Carolina on Kiawah Island. Near the end of our trip, we ended up getting into a bit of car trouble, extending our holiday and downsizing our wallets. While waiting for news on our vehicle that would take us home (Charleston is 17 hours from Wisconsin), we had no choice but to make Lemonade from our Lemons. And we did. I made up a list about Pros and Cons of being "stuck" in a vacation that will seemingly never end. 


Eating out at restaurants you said "We'll eat there next time" to
Seeing sights you would have had to come back to
Having more time off of work and school
Being in the sun longer
Finding new things to do
South Carolina


Not knowing when the vehicle will be done (we waited a long time around the shop)
Spending more money than you thought you would
Running out of Data for your phone 
Getting behind on classes and work
Having to go back to Charleston and get the car and drive it back
Not starting the drive back at a reasonable time 
Charleston South Carolina

We eventually left Charleston on Monday at 6pm Eastern, drove about 6 hours and 15 minutes and then an entire 11 hours on Tuesday. Which is why there wasn't a post Tuesday. 
Even though we ran into some trouble, I really enjoyed being in the south, having more time to eat shrimp and grits, see the sights and spend time with my family. It may have been an unfortunate situation but I definitely feel like we all helped each other make lemonade from our lemons! We survived and made it home at last! 

I cannot wait to share all of the photos from the trip with you guys! It might take a while but I hope you'll love it! I hope you're all having a great month. Has there ever been a time where you have had to make a bad situation good? Have you ever been stuck on vacation? 

Can't wait to hear from you in the comments! 
x Kenzie

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  1. Can't wait to see your photo's as well!


    1. Thanks! There will be a bunch in tomorrow's post! x

  2. Ahh I love it ! it's so so important to focus on the positives and it's great to get to eat in those resturants again :)

    lots of love, Marianne xxx


    1. Thanks for reading! :) Glad you enjoyed it! x

  3. I almost had because of bad weather but I made it on my flight. Anyways, thanks for sharing positive thoughts and keeping your cool in such circumstances. Being stuck is hard with the budget and other commitment of course, but thank God for lemonade. yay!! :)

    ♥ from www.expatpetite.blogspot.com

    1. Thanks for reading! :) It's always good to make a positive from a negative :) x


Thanks for commenting! I really appreciate and can't wait to hear from you again!
