
5 benefits of an online class

8:00:00 AM

It's summer. Do we really need to talk about school? For me, I really had a great trip (more posts are still coming) in the beginning of June. Immediately after I had gotten home, I was diving head first into an online math class. 
Gross, I know. 

Honestly, math has never been my best subject, or even my "i'm just okay at this" subject. I mean I can do the basics, but just don't throw the quadratic formula my way. I also have really bad test anxiety when it comes to math. Which is why, for the last two summers, I have opted to take my math credits online. 
Here are some of the benefits that I found, while taking an online class:

1. You can do homework at any time of the day. 


2. Usually nothing is due until midnight, which gives you plenty of time

3. You can work ahead and get things done to make room for fun activities.


4. There isn't a lot of peer pressure. 

5. The teachers are really nice and quick to answer emails you might have. 

Taking classes like this is also nice because you can focus solely on one subject. 
What subject was your favorite in school? What one was your worst? 
My favorite is definitely English, and my worst was obviously math! 
I hope you're having a great summer! Make sure to leave a comment below, I love reading all of them! 
x Kenzie

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  1. I didn't like Math either but the online class sounds like it was a lot better than being in an actual class! My summer is good but going way too fast. Thanks for the post :)

  2. I also think that online classes have many advantages. However, I've never taken one so I can't give a proper opinion. My favorite subject was English too! But I also loved art very much. Well, I guess I had two favorites. As for the ones I hated the most there were also two: P.E. and math. I was so awful at both of them...


    1. So glad we both enjoyed English! :) Also I didn't like PE either! haha!

  3. I totally took like 10 online classes while finishing my degree. Best option ever! It only works if someone is able to stay motivated and on top of their own schedule, though.

    S .x http://ramblingsofayoungprgirl.blogspot.com


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