2018 Goals
5:06:00 PM
Hello all! I am back again. After taking a bit of hiatus from blogging last year, I thought I would come back to it. I didn't write my annual end of the year post for 2017, but it is pretty safe to say that it was my favorite year so far. I traveled to 9 countries, 7 of them new. I got on multiple airplanes by myself. I gained a sense of self and more confidence than I had ever thought I had. And I some pretty cool people. I even found a job I love.
I changed my blog to wordpress, and I am still impartial to it. What do you guys think? Wordpress versus blogger? I need help!
Okay, now you all are probably waiting for my list of goals for this year, and well here it is!
1. Go to two new places
Some of these places I want to go are seriously only a 3 hour drive from where I am! I would love to discover more in my home state, or the states next to it!
2. Get my own apartment
I graduate at the end of this month! (The 26th) and I cannot wait to finish school and that's kind of wild.
3. Run More
In England, I fell in love with running. I loved running outside the manor where I lived, and I kind of stopped when I came home. Because honestly, there's nothing like running to a castle and the rolling hills. Ugh. I'm sad.
4. Read More
I last read The Last Lecture that was recommended by a friend of mine, and I LOVED it. I want to read more, because I really don't. So if you have any book recommendations I would love to hear them!
5. Turn my phone off
Going along with the reading more, I want to turn off my phone for at least two hours a day and while I'm asleep or at work doesn't count.
Fun Plans??
I have got some exciting things planned for 2018. Hopefully, getting a grown up adult job (YIKES) and also FINALLY. And I mean FINALLY. Seeing Ed Sheeran in real life in October. With my best friend. We're already planning on crying to Castle on the Hill. Because honestly. It was a dream right?

I hope 2017 was a great year for you all, and that 2018 will be even better! I am really excited to start blogging again! Come say hello in the comments! And seriously, wordpress or blogger?
These are all things I want to also do this year. Wishing you a happy and good 2018.
Thanks for commenting! I really appreciate and can't wait to hear from you again!