
This or That Tag

12:00:00 PM

Unfortunately, with exams coming next weekend and my official last day of classes being Wednesday I actually didn't have a blog post ready! It's been quite busy, and I'm not going to lie, I'm more than a little nervous for exams! At the same time, I hated this semester and that blog post is ready to go for next week! Almost, just needs a few pictures! Then it's Summer! And that means more recipes and adventures and fun blog posts! If you have any suggestions please make sure you email me or comment below! :) 

Anyway, my friend Anna from Spain (you can read her blog here ) did a post called "This or That" tag and it seemed like a really easy thing to do since I had not prepared anything! 
So let's start shall we? 

Make Up:
  • Blush or Bronzer? Blush! 
  • Lipgloss or Lipstick? I use both, but if I want the color to last longer then I prefer lipstick
  • Eye-Liner or Mascara? Mascara, unless I'm going somewhere fancy, but mascara is just easy and quick to put on
  • Foundation or Concealer? Concealer!
  • Neutral or Color eye shadow? Depends on the outfit
  • Pressed or loose eyeshadows? I haven't really used loose, so pressed!
  • Brushes or sponges? Brushes
  • OPI or China Glaze: Actually I've been liking Orly and Essie nail polishes! 
  • Long or short?: Medium, I pick my nails so they usually never get obnoxiously long!
  • Acrylic or natural? Natural!
  • Brights or darks? I do like the classic dark red, but since it's Spring and almost summer I've been going for the brighter colors!
  • Flower or no flower? Depends

  • Perfume or Body Splash? Well from this post I did earlier I'm sure you already know that answer. (it's perfume)
  • Lotion or Body Butter? Lotion
  • Body wash or soap? Both
  • Lush or other bath company: I'm making my first trip to Lush next month! But otherwise Bath and Body Works.

  • Jeans or sweatpants: This really depends on the day, if i'm having a lounge day at home then sweatpants, otherwise jeans if I leave the house!
  • Long sleeve or short: Basically the weather determines that!
  • Dresses or skirts? Dresses, I actually don't own that many skirts!
  • Stripes or Plaid? I have more stripes than plaid in my closet so..
  • Flip flops or sandals: Flip flops!
  • Scarves or Hats? Did you see my scarf collection? (here) definitely scarves!
  • Studs or Dangle Earrings? I prefer studs, but if I'm going to a fancy place or event then dangle-y!
  • Necklaces or Bracelets? Necklaces! Bracelets hurt my wrist if I'm writing!
  • Heels or Flats? Flats
  • Cowboy boots or Riding boots? Oh, there's a difference? Cowboy boots then. 
  • Jacket or Hoodie? Sweater. 

  • Curly or Straight? Both!
  • Bun or Ponytail? If I have time, I'll put mine in a bun but if I'm just sitting around the house then a ponytail!
  • Bobby Pins or butterfly clips? Butterfly clips? What the heck? Bobby pins..
  • Long or Short? In between, I think everyone has their own definition of what "long hair" or "short hair" is. 
  • Hair spray or gel?  Spray
  • Light or dark? I've actually had my hair both colors! I like both!
  • Side swept bangs or full bangs? Side swept
  • Up or down? Down but if I'm doing work then up
  • Rain or Shine? A little bit of both!
  • Summer or Winter? Summer!!!!
  • Fall or Spring? Both! 
  • Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla! 
  • East Coast or West Coast? NYC is on the East Coast and I've traveled on the East Coast the most..so East I guess! 

Sorry there isn't a proper blog up today! So i hope this holds you over until I finish my exams! Good luck if you're taking exams soon or are right now! Make sure you follow me on all of the social media things ( you can find links to them in the "Get in Touch" page at the top! 
I tag all of you reading this right now to answer these questions! So have fun! :) x

oh p.s the next post might be a little while because the upcoming week are exams :/

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  1. This is such a fun tag to do, I enjoyed reading it.

    Meg | Meghan Silva's Blog

  2. Hiii :) Sorry for not saying anything before, I read it on Sunday morning I think but forgot to reply because I then spent the whole day studying and so I did on Monday. But I finished my exams yesterday so I'm freeee (until I have exams again aka in June)
    Anyway, I loved reading this, tags are great haha thank you for mentioning me :3
    Good luck with your exams!!


Thanks for commenting! I really appreciate and can't wait to hear from you again!
