
Art Festival Fun

12:30:00 PM

The best thing about Summer is that there is so much to do! After the freezing cold Winter it's really nice to get outside and do something! Anything! Plus there isn't any school, unless you're an over achiever and you do summer school or something.
 Recently, in my town there was an Art Festival. People come from all over the surrounding 
area to draw with chalk. These drawings are amazing! It's so cool to see how creative people are and that they would spend hours even days creating their masterpieces! 

Also, every year people who are viewing the pieces can vote for their favorite. There are usually about three or four winners. 


It wasn't the best weekend for the artists as it rained the day before and some of them had
faded away. A lot of people did come back and touch their amazing drawings up! 
When I went, after an amazing weekend of camping, the drawings were incredible. 
Some pieces are drawn by one lone person and some are done by a group of people, which was the case for a few of the drawings. 

It's really neat to see what inspires people to draw. There were a lot of Tangled and Frozen chalk pieces. Some of the kids walking around would shout out the characters that had been drawn. It was so cute! 
The drawings were scattered around the entire block! Each artist had done their best to use their entire space of concrete square. 

There were an amazing array of pictures. Some used extravagant colors while others chose to use natural colors. You could spot the people who had been drawing by their colorful hands! 

Each was drawn by hand, usually the artist found a picture they really liked, whether it was their own picture of a family member, their own photograph, a movie, or something they had thought was cool online, and put that onto the ground. 
It's also a great way for families to spend time together and get outside!
Kind of makes me wish I was good at drawing but I think I'll just stick to writing instead! 
It was a great way to see that there is so much talent in a small town.
Usually I miss this event, for some reason I'm always out of town and come back when the pictures have faded or been washed out by the rain. 
I'm really glad I didn't miss it this year!
Do you have anything like this in your town? I hope you are all having a great Summer! 
I cannot believe it's already August!
Remember! You can send me an email or find me on your favorite social media sites by going to the "Get In Touch" page! 
Thanks for reading! 
See you next time!

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  1. Wow this is fantastic, I love anything like this. Looks like a great day out! x


  2. Whoaaa...chalk art is sooo impressive! Amazing! The people drawing are so talented! <3


  3. Lovely post dear!Really like it:)
    Keep in touch
    Antonella xoxo


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