
Late Summer Christmas

2:41:00 PM

Every family is different. We have different ways to go about life depending on what surrounds us. We all have different traditions as well. Whether it be eating certain foods during certain holidays or going to a certain spot to get together. You’re probably wondering why I decided to name this post “Late Summer Christmas” aren’t you? Usually when people think about the holiday they picture big green trees with shining ornaments, a big man in a red coat lined with white fur. If you’re from an area that gets a lot of snow in December then you probably think of the way the cold bites at your cheeks and freezes your nose and how the snow falls from the trees and crunches under your feet. Unless you live where it doesn’t snow or get cold, you probably wouldn’t imagine having the holiday celebration while the sun is still hot and the sky has it’s beautiful baby blue color.

 In my family we celebrate Christmas not only during the cold December month when the rest of the world celebrates, but we also celebrate in the Summer as well. It’s difficult, when you have a large amount of family members to get everyone together during the holiday season. Everyone’s doing their own thing to celebrate, and it’s much easier to get together for us, during the Summer!

 How do we celebrate it then you ask? In a way, it’s the same as a family reunion, with relatives you only see once a year. Each year the party is held at a different family’s home. (There’s a long list of who has to host it so everyone knows in plenty of time!) Everyone brings a dish of delicious food; desserts, salads, you name it, it’s probably there! Everyone also brings two gifts, one that’s meant as a “woman’s” gift; usually lotions, garden décor, home décor, and one that’s meant as a “man’s” gift; tools, alchohol, whatever men usually like. When it’s time to open the gifts, each adult chooses a number. The numbers vary depending on how many people are participating. Kids don’t as they can’t exchange gifts so it’s up to the parents to supply them! We sit in a circle and watch as each adult opens their gift, sometimes they’re funny and sometimes they’re really nice! As your number is called you have the chance to “steal” the gift and the original gift opener has to open another gift. It’s fun to watch the adults argue over what gets stolen.

 After the gift opening, and before, everyone catches up with each other’s lives. Other than on Facebook, this is the only chance we really have to see each other!  The party this year was extra special because we had family members that flew in from Texas and Washington state! We haven’t seen them for a really long time and there were adorable babies to meet!
I love sitting by the fire and listening to everyone’s stories. 

Soon it’s time for everyone to head home or wherever they’re going to spend the night. I’ve always had good memories that come out of these parties so I’m really glad when they come around and a little bit sad when it ends.
My outfit for the party, in case you were wondering was an orange crop top from rue 21 and a black skirt from target! 

Do you have any strange family gatherings? What are some of your family traditions? Do you have family members who live far away too? Let me know if you liked this post! Should I do more of these or more reviews and cooking?  Make sure to leave a comment I love reading them! 
Thanks for reading! See you next time!

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  1. It is so strange.....our family Christmas party sounds almost exactly the same as yours!!! What are the odds????? :)

  2. This is such a lovely idea, what a great post! :) We only celebrate once a year unfortunately, but yes you should definitely add a few more lifestyle posts to change things up a bit, I love reading things like that and I find they're more fun to write :) x

    1. Thanks so much for your comment! It made my day! :) I think lifestyle posts are more fun to write as well! :)

  3. That is such an amazing idea! I love it! My family all lives in California and New Jersey so I rarely see either. Your blog is darling! Thanks for the visit. Xoxo
    Breakfast at Lizzie's.

  4. This is such a sweet idea :) Such a lovely post xx

    1. Thank you for leaving such a nice comment! :) Thanks for visiting my blog! xx

  5. Love this idea so much!
    You have an amazing family.
    Can't wait for christmas now. Maybe I should organize a summer christmas party as well (:

    Xx Anne


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