I'm writing this a few days before New Year's Eve comes around, as I'm not sure what my internet connection will be or if I will even have plans to post this! This year has been quite different. I guess I can say that, though nobody really expects it to be the same as the year before, I think it's pretty common to wish each year were different in a good way.
This year I learned a lot of good lessons, had to make some tough decisions, and made some pretty great friends. Reflecting back on the year, I don't think I would say I would regret any of it. Here are some of the lessons I have learned looking back on this year.
People leave. Whether you have known each other for years and at one point thought you'd be best friends forever. It didn't stick. It's different when you go to college or uni, especially for me since I chose to stay at a university near home. But I didn't think I would be the one to leave the group. Honestly. It was the best thing that ever happened to me, even though it was really tough at first.
Numbers don't matter. No matter how many "friends" you can count on your facebook page. It's better to have closer ones you can count on your fingers. For me, they came later in the year, and my best friend came right when I needed her the most.
Being sincere changes the world. Telling someone "hey you make my day" can really change their life. Try it. Tell your best friend she's inspiring, tell someone "hey that thing you did just now really made me happy." Because maybe they're having a bad day and you wouldn't know, but when they go home they might smile because of that.
I learned some smaller things too like, if I want to buy a fish I can even though my parents may not love it as much as I do, though shuttling the fish to someone's home so they can care for it is not the best. (My fish's name is Latte.) I learned that with people leaving,
people will stay. And they are the best, and you should never let them go. I learned that ice tea is very addicting and I also don't care, I love it so much.
Along with a New Year on the horizon, I am also excited for what it has to bring.
I'm going to the One Direction concert in Milwaukee in August. I might be going to Chicago for a weekend (stay tuned). My really good friend is getting married. I might visit New York City at the end of the year too (stay tuned for that). Maybe since I'm ending 2014 traveling and starting 2015 traveling..it'll be the year of travel for me? We'll just have to see.
I hope you all are having a great end of the year and I hope your holidays were incredible as well! What are you looking to the most in 2015?