

12:30:00 PM

It's safe to say that the last two weeks have been quite stressful. Exams, projects, papers...all due within a short period of time. The things that had piled up on my desk were slowly defeated and conquered one by one. With a small amount of hope that there would be a break longer than two days soon. 
Luckily, there is. It's Spring Break this week, and that means it's time to spend an entire 8 days back in my home town, where my friends know me well and the coziest blankets await. 
Though, like last year, I may not be spending my downtime like many other college students across the states (I do wish I was visiting a nice sandy beach though), I will be working a bit, visiting my good friends and watching the last episode of Glee ever. It will also be spent catching up on blogs and hopefully reading a few new ones as well (leave your favorite blogs/bloggers down in the comments!!)
I did have a massive splurge in LUSH and found a Topshop section in Nordstrom at Mall of America when I visited the weekend before this. Those posts will come soon! So keep your eyes peeled! 
I'm happy to unwind, relax and see what this week is going to bring. Hopefully some new recipes to try out! I'll show you all those as well!
The best thing that Spring Break brings along after it's over is that small glimmer of hope that Summer Break is coming soon after. 

Anyhow, I hope you all are enjoying your weeks! Have you got any holidays planned? Yours are probably different than mine and I would love to hear all about them! Make sure you leave a comment! 

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  1. I know the stressful feeling, I feel like I can't get a minute to myself, as long as you pace yourself you get through it all :) happy spring break? I hope you've a wonderful time back home! oooh I sense a Topshop/Lush haul on the cards! I'm so excited for the summer! the only thing coming up is easter, not quite as exciting I don't think lol! Jenny x

    1. I'm so excited for the summer as well! Just because the weather will be warmer and the sun will be out a lot! :) xx

  2. Hi Kenzie! I hope you have a well deserve rest during Spring Break. I start my holidays on Thursday and even though I don't have anything special planned I can't wait because I really need some rest...


  3. Glad you can spend some time home this week, hope you enjoy it! Ooh can't wait for the new posts about what you bought and the recipes, if you make posts about them! It's always nice to try new things :)
    Hope you have a lovely week,
    Anna x


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