
Healthy(ish) Deviled Eggs

2:00:00 PM

  After coming home on Spring Break and jumping right into work, I had a day off. Of course, since I can't seem to sit still and stare at the same thing for hours upon hours, I decided to bake. I also haven't baked anything since leaving for my university and therefore I was really excited to start trying new recipes. 

 Deviled Eggs are usually something that is brought to parties, they're quite simple to make and even more fun to eat! I always love going to a get together and having these set up on the snack table. I have never made a deviled egg before and I was excited to try it out! I mean how difficult could it be? I'm also trying to eat healthier and if I can find a way to make it healthy 


The deviled eggs I made required:

6 Eggs
Greek Yogurt
Dijon Mustard

  1. The first step is to hard boil your eggs. I have an  egg boiler, though mine looks a bit different, if you're wondering what one looks like I've posted the link to one here!
  2. After waiting for the eggs to boil, let them cool. I didn't have the patience and therefore a few of the egg whites broke! Oops. 
  3.  After cooling, cut the egg lengthwise. 
  4.  Your next step is to then carefully spoon out the yolks and add them to the medium bowl, place the egg whites on a plate. 

Now add in these few ingredients to the bowl you've put the yolks into:
      1/4 cup Greek Yogurt
      2 teaspoons dijon mustard
      1/4 teaspoon pepper
     1/8 teaspoon salt
Mash these together, until it looks a little creamy. You can also use a blender if you'd like the mixture to be more creamier than it appears. 

 After mixing and mashing, you can either spoon small portions into the egg whites, or just use your hands and fill them as much or as little as you would like! 
After filling the eggs, sprinkle a bit of paprika on top! This will make them look nice and pretty! 
  I was very pleased with how these turned out! They taste delicious and actually make for a good snack! They're easy to make and I hope you give them a go! 

I know I haven't written a recipe post in awhile, but I hope you all enjoyed this! Thanks for reading! Have you tried any new recipes recently?? Are there any new recipes that you want to try, or wish you could try? 
             I love reading your comments! See you next time! 

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  1. They look so yummy, Kenzie! I don't think I've ever tried them.


    1. They're delicious! I hope you get round to trying them soon! :) x

  2. i don't usually like them but i think i might like them your way!

    xx danielle // shades of danielle

    1. You may! My step dad usually likes the mayonnaise in them but he liked them this way as well! :) Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Looks delicious!Amazing blog!If you love beauty and fashion follow my blog,I follow and comment back!:)


  4. This looks amazing!
    Check my blog


  5. Sounds yummy! May have a go at these some time! :)

  6. amazing post!!

    had a great read thanks for sharing :D

    cute blog !!

    would love to know your thoughts on my new post Jadiee'sLittleBlog



    Have a nice day


  7. These look yum! I've never tried a deviled egg, so perhaps I'll give these a go!
    Zoe | floral and feather


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