
Finding Adventure

12:30:00 PM

There is no better feeling than the first day of spring time warmth in Wisconsin. There is also no better feeling than not having a plan and just driving around with a nice camera in the passenger seat. 

The other weekend, I made the decision to bring my car from home to my University. Yes, being in the dorms is fun, but there are only so many places you can go, and frankly I'm one of those people who just can't sit still and when I'm some place new I really want to explore it. After spending a few hours on Google Maps, I scoped out a few spots that I knew I wanted to hit. After buying a snack from the shop, I set out to find the perfect picture spots. 
First, I came to this lovely bridge. The walk across it was quite windy but the sun was out, so who am I to complain? It also made for some lovely snaps anyway.

As I drove away from the bridge, being downtown a bit, I spotted a beautiful church upon a hill. Finding a way to get there was quite the adventure, as I have no idea which turns lead where in this town yet! I eventually managed to find it and get a nice snap! Perhaps I'll bring someone along next time to help me capture a few more. 

This is the point in the adventure where I turned off my phone's navigating system for a bit and let the roads take me. With this, I managed to find an ice cream shop and a couple of old buildings. I decided to park and see where I could go next before I got too far away. I found a lovely little park, which was very nice to walk around in...have I mentioned how nice the sun felt? 

Afterwards, my little red car brought me to one of the popular look out places. I had heard it held beautiful views of the city. Every single description of that place was correct. Though it is still winter, the snow is still very much present, the view was still stunning. And I mentally marked this place as one to come back to when the leaves are on the trees and in Autumn when the leaves are changing. I sat there for a while, letting the wind whip my hair around, and just not caring too deeply about anything. It felt great. 

I ended the day at a coffee shop, bought an ice tea and sat there for awhile. 
Though I didn't hit all of the scenic spots in town that day, I do have my car with me until the rest of the semester, so I will be able to find a few more, maybe return again, and don't worry, I will share them all with you!

It felt great to get out and finally do a bit of exploring! Have you ever explored your town or the next town over just to see it? You could find something totally new if you did! 
I hope you all are having a great weekend and if the weather has been cold, I hope it warms up quickly for you! 
Make sure you're following me on Instagram to see the cool shots I put there! 

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  1. Lovely post and pictures, thanks for sharing! <3

    I have a new outfit up on the blog, would love to know your thoughts:

    * Electric Sunrise - Fashion and Lifestyle Blog *


  2. Lovely photos, Kenzie! We sometimes fly miles and miles away to see new or exotic destinations and we don't realize the beautiful places we have close by. It's a great idea to get in your car and start driving around and explore those hidden gems. Looking forward to reading more of your adventures!



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