
River Escape

10:30:00 AM

Summer has gone by so quickly, as usual. Lately I've been busy with work..and lots of it! I finished up my online math class awhile ago, which was a big weight off of my shoulders, then I was thrown into a whirlwind of 40 plus hours a week-work weeks. Honestly, I'm exhausted, it doesn't help that a lot of people are leaving..and things just aren't the same anymore.
 This past weekend I had off two days in a row! My dad had taken the week off and we were finally able to do something.
 Walking by the river, away from the city (and work) was really nice. It wasn't too hot outside and it wasn't too cold. Just perfect for capturing photos of the rapids and beautiful greenery.

The moss on every tree and every rock was a brilliant green color and I loved it. 




Wild Flowers
This photo might have been my favorite to come out of the trip

We ended our hike at this spot not too far off, the sun was peaking out of the clouds every few minutes. 
Also, this bunch of roots looked like some scary creature...definitely glad it wasn't dark out...

This excursion reminded me to just take in little moments, that it's important to get away..because these past few weeks have been awfully crazy and stressful (I may or may not have cried 3 times at work). It was also revitalizing, because the week to come includes, moving back to Uni, turning 21 and starting new classes, making new friends. 

I hope you all are enjoying the last bits of your Summer! Any big plans or celebrations?
Have you moved into University yet?  
Sorry I haven't blogged in awhile! 

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