
We Danced All Night

10:33:00 AM

Going to a concert is a whirlwind. You buy the tickets months and months in advance, plan everything out, daydream about how one of the singers will make eye contact with you. As the days get closer it starts to feel unreal, you've gone through months of counting down, texting your friends that "it's so soon!" And finally the day comes. You're driving 3 hours to the stadium. Catching a shuttle to get you through the traffic, and then there you are. Waiting in line to get in.


August 25th I saw One Direction for the second time.
My very first time was July 18th 2013 in Minneapolis, a state over.
This show was going to be special, because it was in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The chances of them ever coming back here are very slim.
I bought my tickets right after class way back in October. It was my friends first time going to see the boys, and my first time having floor tickets. It was surreal. The first concert I went to, I came away with a double ear infection and pink eye. So this was going to be my do-over.
Miller Park was the only baseball stadium they were playing at. With so much uncertainty about the "break", and even more uncertainty about whether or not they would ever be back...it was a very important show. Also, Harry absolutely loves the Packers. He was so happy, from having the entire stadium boo a bears fan, to having us all do the "Go Pack Go" chant...you could tell he was so happy to be with his people.

The feeling was mutual Harry. It really was. 
The songs were all incredible. The energy from the boys was great as well. 
One Direction
Being without Zayn has really changed them, (For the better of course). but the way they took over his vocals, and stepped up was incredible. They all did fantastic, and it was so good to see their smiles in real life. 
One Direction

One Direction

The way Louis and Liam chased each other around the stage was hilarious, and made me feel so good about being there. Honestly, the way they all interacted with each other and us was just great all around. Harry actually told a 7 year old to wake up. What a guy. 
It was like being in an arena with your four best friends and 42,000 of your other friends. 

One Direction

And then Liam and Louis threw water on each other. 



One Direction

Niall Horan
This is what the stadium looked like. Wow. 

I have never seen an artist perform twice, but I am very glad I saw them. It's definitely one of the best concerts I have ever gone to, and I know I don't really know them, but it feels like I have. If I'm having a bad day, all I have to do is turn on their songs. I had a rough go in high school and they got me through that and I know I'm not the only one who feels that way. Whenever I have to wake up to open at 5am at work, all I have to do is turn on their albums and I'm ready for the day. 
I know they'll never read this, and you might be reading this thinking "ugh one direction" but everyone has a band, everyone has someone that changes their life. 
I honestly wouldn't have known half of the people I do now without them. 
Thanks for being the best. 
See you Soon hopefully. 

What's your favorite One Direction song?? If you don't have one, who do you want to see in concert the most? I really want to see Ed Sheeran next! 
Hope you're all having a good day!! 
(follow me on instagram for more pictures!))

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  1. Aw this made me emotional not gonna lie. I'm so glad you had a great time and that you got to see them live again, because seeing a band that means that much to you is one of the best feelings in the world. I used to really really like 1D and don't get me wrong I still do just not at the same level, still I think they are really nice guys and the music is good. Wish I could've seen them live, actually had the chance last year (could've seen 5sos too) but I had no one to go with so yeah. Anyways, I'm rambling...
    Idk if I have one favourite song by them but I do like a lot a few of their songs.
    I also want to see Ed Sheeran live!!! He came here last year the day after my birthday but again, nobody to go with haha
    Okay this was so long, sorry!
    Anna x

    1. You should've seen them! There were plenty of people who were there alone! But I totally understand, I honestly would not have been able to go if my friend hadn't agreed to go! She's a fan too! :)
      Ed's coming near me in September but I honestly think I better save up money! haha
      Maybe next time!
      Thanks for commenting!

  2. I'm glad you had a great time! I haven't been to many concerts. I used to live in a small city so we didn't get many good concerts. Now I live in a big one and I don't go to them because I'm not a big fan of crowds. However, I think that watching your favorite band/singer live is something you must do at least once in a lifetime.


    1. I don't really like big crowds either, but the floor seats were actually very nice and I didn't feel claustrophobic or anything!


Thanks for commenting! I really appreciate and can't wait to hear from you again!
