
March Snapshots

8:00:00 AM

It's been a crazy spring. Honestly, it has been a crazy semester in general, and not wanting to leave this space without any new content for too long, I thought I would just pop in and put some of the photos I've been taking on here! The weather has been so iffy lately and the colors haven't quite popped yet, but I cannot wait until they do! 



One day, before Spring break, the weather was incredibly nice! 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21.1*C). There weren't very many colors but it felt nice to finally get rid of the dull gray sky and feel the warmth of the sun. It had been way too long! Sadly, the warmth was cut short by Old Man Winter and there were a few inches of snow yet to be dropped.  After a few busy and hectic weeks of projects and deadlines, it was finally spring break/Easter holiday. I spent a lot of time walking up the nearby mountain. I spent my week relaxing and enjoying my time off. 
 In preparation for the Easter holiday, family dinner, we stopped at the cheese factory that isn't too far away from my home. (Luckily this was before my challenge and I could sneak a few bites in!)
 Easter morning we woke up and had a delicious brunch and sought out our Easter baskets before heading off to church. If your parents don't hide your baskets, I'm so sorry. I honestly look forward to this every Easter and I'm so glad my mom still hides them!
Pouring Champagne
  Like every holiday, there was a lot of food! My favorite dish is probably the sweet potatoes, so delicious! Sorry I didn't take more photos of the food, I was a bit busy and totally distracted by this cute pup!
Chicken Dinner

Mixed puppy

Being back at University keeps me busy, and makes me anxious to have warmer weather so I can go out and take millions of photos! I plan on exploring a bit more once the weather warms up. It's been a day consisting of 3/4 of the seasons. This morning it was sunny and blue skies, this afternoon it was snowing, and I just walked in from class in the rain/hail.
I hope you all had a great Easter holiday! Hopefully you enjoyed these photos! Did you do anything exciting for Easter? Make sure to follow me on any of the social media sites listed on the side bar to keep up with posts! 
xx Kenzie

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  1. I liked this post!! It's good seeing photos because it's so different here hahah and all the food looks delicious omg and the dog is so so cute (I would've been distracted too ahhah)
    And I didn't do anything exciting for Easter, just relaxed and ate chocolate...
    Anna x

  2. My parents don't hide my baskets but we still have an actual Easter egg hunt every year. I looooove cute family traditions like that :) Hey though, you're so lucky to actually have spring like weather! In California it may as well already be summer with the heat lately.
    Kenzie | KenzieBlogs.com

  3. I got an Easter egg hunt this year, didn't do anything for Easter either as I had a headache all day :( Love your pictures, it's nice to see other places outside of England XD
    Victoria x

  4. Sounds like a lovely Easter! I'm so glad I found your blog and can't wait to see more posts from you <3

    Edye // Gracefulcoffee.wordpress.com


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