
Christmas Cranberry Side

8:00:00 AM

Happy Saturday everyone, though I'm not participating in Blogmas this year, I hope you enjoying all of the Christmas themed posts that everyone is writing. Christmas is a special time of the year, and this year I jumped ahead a little too soon, I think. By the end of November I had but three things checked off of my list for gifts!

If that doesn't make it obvious that my favorite holiday is Christmas, then I don't know what would. 
Like many holidays, this one is centered around baking. Another one of my favorite things! This recipe is one of the staple side-dishes at my Christmas table.

Cranberry Side Dish Recipe

What you'll need: 
            1 pot
            1 box of 3-ounce cherry jello
            1 box of 3-ounce lemon jello
            1 cup boiling water
            1/2 cup grated rind of orange
            1/2 cup juice of orange
           1 large can crushed pineapple
           1 can whole cranberry sauce
          1 cup chopped pecans

What to do: 
Bring water to boil in pot
Dissolve jello in boiling water
Take off stove, and when jello starts to jell add in other ingredients
Let jello sit in fridge

      This recipe is super simple and quick to make, it takes about five to ten minutes, depending on how much you make! The crunch of the walnuts and the citrus from the fruit are so lovely together. 

While getting ready for the holidays, I started thinking about what I really love about Christmas that makes it so special and exciting for me! Here's a little list of things that I thought of:

  1. Giving Gifts: There is nothing I love more than giving gifts to people I care about. I love shopping for other people, and seeing their reactions to opening the gifts! 
  2. Family Time: At Christmas time I get to see family members that don't have schedules that mesh with my own, and it is always nice to catch up
  3. Food. There are delicious snacks and entrees at Christmas dinner. but..
  4. Breakfast. Christmas breakfast is always my favorite (stay tuned for a new recipe!) 
  5. Decorating. I can't be the only one who finds Christmas decorations seriously adorable?! 

I hope you enjoyed this Christmas themed post! I love this recipe and I hope you did too! Let me know what your favorite Christmas dishes are in the comments below! 

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  1. Such a simple recipe and it looks delicious!


  2. Christmas is my favourite holiday too! :) This looks amazzzzzing, I don't think I've ever actually made a dish using cranberries before!


  3. Amazing!

    anyway, wanna follow each other? (GFC and on instagram if you want). Follow me, let me know on my blog and I follow you :)

    1. I'm glad you liked it, thanks for reading and taking time to comment!

  4. Omg yummmm this looks so good! I'm never much of a cranberry person, but I feel like I'd like this!!


    1. It was more citrusy than cranberry I thought!

  5. Looks so delicious. Thanks for sharing!
    Good vibes, FOX
    check out my blog www.rochellefox.com.au and my latest VLOG

  6. Love this post! Your cranberry recipe sounds so good. Christmas is my favorite time of year, too. Although, I'm not as ahead on my shopping as you seem to be. Thanks for sharing!

    x. Cattleya


    1. It's the best time of year! Thanks for reading! :) xx


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