
Northern Ireland Adventure

3:38:00 AM

These blog posts started off in order I swear. I'm taking you all back to my time in Ireland last month. We hopped onto a Paddy Wagon tour from Dublin to Northern Ireland to see Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge and Giants Causeway. Both really beautiful. 

This was my first taste of Ireland. 

Irish Coast

Our tour stopped at the Dark Hedges, a really cool and old line of trees with branches that reach above the road. Used in Game of Thrones, these trees are starting to get so old that they're falling over, so they won't be there for much longer. 
Game of Thrones

It cost six pounds (or eight euro) to cross the rope bridge, and if you're not afraid of heights then I would recommend doing it! It was a little nerve wracking walking across a bridge, especially since i wasn't the only one on it and having other people making their way across made it a bit more wobbly. Nonetheless, I was really glad I did it. The scenery was gorgeous. 

Northern ireland


The entire time, I thought about my friend Catie and how much she would not have liked that, so if you don't like heights, you definitely don't have to do it. The view is still gorgeous on the other side! 
Northern Ireland

After visiting the rope bridge and braving the wind, the wagon headed onward to Giants Causeway. This stop had me falling in love with Northern Ireland even more, and I was happy to just sit there and soak in the moment watching the waves crash against the rocks and the people climbing around them. 

Kenzie Kuivanen

Shoe pic


Giants Causeway

It's so amazing that our earth has places like this on it. I really enjoyed this day trip, and was happy to have a long sleep after it was finished. I hope you've either been there and loved it, or are going there someday soon! You do need tickets for Giants Causeway entry, and just a ticket to cross the bridge if you want to! 

Have you been to Northern Ireland? Have you ever sat somewhere beautiful and taken in the scenery? 

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  1. Wow, Ireland is beautiful....not sure I would love walking across that bridge. So happy that you seem to be taking a moment on each trip to enjoy and appreciate where you are. You are SO very lucky!


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