Being Home: In Gifs

12:00:00 PM

I've been home for just shy of a month now, and it's very different. Before studying abroad, I had never been away from my home for more than a week when I was away at my university. For four months I didn't have the luxury of a big bed or even a microwave.

Harry Potter Gif

Here are 10 feelings you might also have being home from studying abroad. 

1. Finally sleeping in your own bed. 

Bed Gif

2.Not having a scheduled meal time. 
Food Gif

3. Having your own bathroom. 

Shower Gif

4. Driving yourself around town, cuz for four months you've just had to use trains, planes and shuttles. 


5. Going to Target. 

Taylor Swift gif

but then you remember that while all of this is great, you suddenly feel homesick for the place you called your home-away from home. 

6. You start to miss your best friends. 

Glee Gif

7. You start looking at flights on skyscanner

Jim Carrey

8. You realize America doesn't have easy access to trains
Oh Gif

9. You miss Paprika Pringles and other British snacks

Grace Helbeig Gif

10. You mostly miss the group hugs. 

The last show gif


Hug gif

It's a little bit surreal to be back home after being on another continent for four months. But if anyone asked me if I wanted to go back to Europe like next week, I'd probably say yes!

I hope you enjoyed this post! Have you ever been away for a really long time? What did you like about being back home and what did you think was the hardest?


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  1. Loved this post, I can relate so much. I study in London but am from Spain, so whenever I go back home for summer it feel so nice yet so weird! x

    Ariadna || RAWR BOWS


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