
LUSH review

1:30:00 PM

A few months back, in June, I had stopped by the Mall Of America to visit LUSH for the very first time. In August I shared my reviews on three of the products I had picked up (which you can read about here). There was still a good number of LUSH products waiting to be used, I decided to do another review, of three other Bath Bombs I had gotten.

The first product I tried, was the Bubbleroon.

I picked this up in the store and I instantly fell in love with the smell. Picture chocolate and coconut. It smelled so amazing and even though I could not wait to use it, I was a bit hesitant at first because I didn’t want to lose the scent but I figured that I would be back at LUSH in no time. LUSH’s bubble bars are easy to break and you can get a lot of tub time out of them. They’re easier to split than bath bombs and create bubbles instead of fizzy, colorful baths. Though you can pair up scents if you want, like using a bath bomb and parts of the bubble bars as well!

The second product I decided to try out was Ickle Baby Bot.

This was given to me by my mom, as she knows how much I love LUSH. It’s a cute little blue colored robot. It smells very nicely, and gives the bath a beautiful light blue color! Inside this little guy has a lavender smell to him which immediately relaxes and soothes a person. On the website, it says that it’s helpful in rewiring kids energy and helping them get to sleep. Don’t be afraid to use it for yourself. We’re all big kids anyway right?

The third product I picked out from my basket of LUSH bath bombs and bubble bars was the Creamy Candy Bubble Bar. 

The smell that comes off this bar is incredible. Every time I would even go near my little basket of LUSH goodies, I would smell this, so I was really excited to give it a try! Like the Bubbleroon, this bubble bar was also easy to pull apart and crumble under the water. I always crush mine in a small clear bag before I use it. It created a lot of long lasting bubbles and I was really happy with it! It gives off a delicious sweet scent. Think vanilla and cotton candy. So if you have a sweet tooth, then this one is for you! The site states that the Candy Bubble Bar is also loaded with cocoa butter to soften and moisturize your skin.

I hope you guys liked this post! What are some of your favorite Bath bombs and bubble bars from LUSH?
Are you really excited to try out the Christmas LUSH stuff like I am? I can’t wait!
See you next time!


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