
Top Ten Tag

6:39:00 PM

First of all, I am sooo sorry for the lack of posts. I've been busy with school and work and honestly, I haven't felt extremely motivated to whip up a post every weekend. But here I am, finally getting to a tag that I meant to do in September. (Sorry Jenny) 
This is the top ten tag. I was tagged by the lovely Jenny from Jenny's Everyday Life 
I'm usually not a big makeup person, but I did find ten things somewhat related to make up that I use often!

For myself I use, Cover Girl's clean and sensitive skin foundation. Usually I don't go for foundation in the Summer months as I just use Concealer..

For concealer I stick with Cover Girl, using a little darker color as I tan really easily in the Summer time! 

3. Powder
Again, sticking with Cover Girl (I clearly like their product huh..) I usually use this if I'm going out, to school or dinner or hanging out..otherwise it doesn't come out.

4. Blush
For blush, I use a lighter color from Ulta, I'm not too sure what it's called, it's not super light pink but not deep red either. (I told you I'm not a big makeup person right?) 

This is where Jenny put "Bronzer" and since I don't use bronzer at all...I thought I would tell you about the shampoo I use. It's from Bath and Body Work's and it's called Energy. It smells amazing, made with Ginger and is supposed to wake you up a bit just to give you a small boost of energy.

Another part of this tag that I changed, for Lotion right now I love the Shimmer and Shea Cashmere Glow by Bath and Body Works. Half of the bottle is the shimmer and half is lotion, you can choose to do both at the same time or mostly lotion, or mostly shimmer! It's a great winter smell as well!
Right now I use Cover Girl's lashblast (the one in the red tube). I like that it gives you a "I'm not wearing any mascara but my eyelashes look a bit longer thank you for noticing" look. 

I really don't have a favorite brand, and my eyeshadow color depends on what my outfit is for that day. If I'm not going anywhere fancy I don't even wear any! Otherwise I just swipe on a light brown color with a dab of light purple to give myself more of a fresh look.

For Winter right now, I love Taylor Swifts Wonderstruck, if I'm going for a fancier night I use Jennifer Anistons perfume. I did write a list of more perfumes on this blog post here

 Of course, it being almost Christmas, and really snowing resulting in many more darker shades in clothing, I opt for the darker lip shades. Again, if I'm not going out and if I don't really care all that much, I just use Carmex, the pomegranate flavor! 

I hope you enjoyed reading this tag! Sorry I haven't written in awhile! 

I'm taking 
and Anna

If you've already done this tag link them in the comments for myself and others to read! 

p.s I am still doing christmas cards, so If you would like to send eachother one, make sure you email me or message me on twitter! (click here to go to twitter

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  1. Thank you for tagging me!! :)
    x Heidi


  2. I'm glad you're back blogging again and don't worry about the wait, its always better than never :') I loved reading this and I'm obsessed with Wonderstruck, have been for ages, its such a lovely perfume! x

  3. Really enjoyed reading this, thank you for tagging me! I'll do it soon :)

    Anna x


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