
Spring Has Sprung

11:30:00 AM

The Summer is getting closer, I can almost taste the ice cream. 
In all honesty, Wisconsin has a short Spring season, at least 4 or 5 weeks. But the weather is warm and all I want to do is go outside anyway.


With the recent weather being somewhat unusually hot, I took it as the perfect opportunity to take even more photos around my campus, before joining up with a few girls who live on the same floor as me and going on a hike. 
One of my favorite things is that I get to see these tulips everyday when I go to and from class. They are just beautiful and make me a little more excited that Summer is just around the corner. Right after exams. 
I took plenty of pictures, and have one up on instagram for you to check out here. 


Along with Tulips, another sign of Spring here of course, is the Robins (amongst other birds). It's always been a common thing to associate Spring with Robins. When you spot one, you know that warmer weather is on its way!


The next few photos are from when I was on the trail. I love discovering new places, so this little adventure was fun for me. 

It was extremely hot and humid this day that it was difficult to suppress the urge to jump into the river!


I know this post was quick, but I hope you still enjoyed it! Now it's back to the books and getting ready to move back to my home town for the Summer months, and back to work. 
I love finding new places I haven't been to before and I'm sure I will find more in the future!
Do you have any fun plans for the Summer? Any trails or new things that you're trying? 
Let me know in the comments! 
Also don't forget to follow me on twitter, bloglovin and instagram! I will follow you back! (just tweet, instagram, or leave a comment here! ) 
Hope you are having a great weekend!

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  1. These are such wonderful pictures thanks for sharing xxx


  2. I always love your pictures and posts like this!! I never see tulips here unless it's in a flower shop or something :(
    I don't really have any plans for summer yet but I know I don't want to stay at home for days and I want to try some new things and just have a good time :)
    Anna x

    1. Well I'm glad I get to share them with you then! That sounds like a lovely summer plan!

  3. All your photos are beautiful!!! I'm so happy that summer is on the way even though here in the UK you can't really tell with all this rain! :(

    Layla xx


    1. Thanks so much! Perhaps the rain will bring along some flowers so you can enjoy them! :) x

  4. I only have a few plans for summer so far, mostly consisting of me going to medival markets and festivals.
    Recently, I try new pathways whenever I go for a walk. It's exciting to find rarely visited spots, isn't it?
    I am in love with your picture of the river. Makes me wanna jump in it and swim.
    Thank you for sharing this ♥

    1. That sounds like a really cool summer though! I love finding new spots! I think that'll be my goal! To find at least 3!
      thanks for visiting! xx

  5. Love your pictures and the river looks beautiful. Reminds me of the time I went to the countryside with my family and we had such a lovely day, and the weather was gorgeous too. We don't always get a lot of sun and even if we do, it usually rains as well!

  6. These pictures are gorgeous, i'm so excited for the Spring/Summer, i don't have many plans but once my exams are over i hope to travel!


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