
Birthday Treats

10:30:00 AM

If you aren't following me on Instagram or Twitter, you may not have noticed that the sixth of September was my birthday! Being Labor Day weekend, meant having my birthday on a four day weekend. There are 3 birthdays right in a row in August, and it was also a good reason to celebrate them as well.
 My Grandparents picked me up from University on Friday and we drove over to Minneapolis for the festivities. Friday night was more of a laid back, wait for everyone else to arrive, night. You may remember my post last summer about the Great Minnesota Get Together, also known as the Minnesota State Fair, which we all attended this year as well! Here are some of the delicious foods that we tried this year!

This wasn't the first one we tried, it was actually the Gizmo, like last year and you can read about that and the other foods on the post I just linked! 
The photo above is actually Chicken Fried Bacon. It was quite tasty, though more chicken flavor than bacon and with maple dipping sauce (which I personally didn't care for as much.) But wow. 

Here they're making taffy. Like sea salt taffy...I was kind of in awe watching the machine flip the stuff around. 
The fair this year had listed many of its new food items and those were mostly on our "must try" list! This one was Salted Caramel Puff Ice Cream. It was pretty delicious, definitely something anyone could make at home I suppose. Just have vanilla ice cream, caramel sauce, and puff corn! 

Being Labor Day weekend, many people have off and therefore...this crowd all had the same idea of going to the fair! 

The baby animal barn is always my favorite part, this little lamb on the left was sleeping in its caretakers lap, with its head in her hand. TOO cute! We also wandered through the horse barns and saw these guys there as well as horses with sparkles on their rear ends. 

The next foods we tried out were a macaroni cup cake, which my sister took an immediate liking to. Not being a fan of macaroni, I wasn't too thrilled, but I did enjoy the deep fried oreos! 

The Italian Desert Nachos were probably my favorite things I got. Though a bit pricey, customers could get any variety they wanted! I chose white chocolate, almonds, strawberries and whipped cream for mine and it was incredible. It was very filling and I was glad it was the last thing I ate! 
I also had cinnamon flavored almonds as a snack. And of course I got shaved ice and chose Watermelon as this years flavor. 
It was a great start to my birthday weekend!! 

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  1. This is amazing!! Now I want to try some of this food, it looks so yummy haha I think my favourite thing would be the animals too, I just love them so much!
    Glad you had a great start to your birthday :)
    Anna x

    1. It was fun! :) Thanks for reading as always xxx


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