
Vlogumentary: Review

8:30:00 AM

If you haven't heard about YouTube, you probably live under a rock. You can literally look up anything in the world and find it there. It has changed the social media game in so many ways. Recently, a film came out about YouTube, and the people who choose to put their lives on the internet. Vlogumentary is a documentary about youtubers. It follows the stories of ShayCarl and Charles Trippy as well as a few other youtubers, directed by Morgan Spurlock. 

vlogumentary banner

And it's fantastic. 

A long time ago when computers weren't thin, and Siri didn't talk, YouTube was born. People started using this platform to reach out to everyday people. 
I love a good documentary, especially one that's about a website that I log onto everyday. I watch Shay and his family goof around on camera, and I watch Charles and Allie in Florida. And when I first started writing this post, I wasn't sure why I was watching, until I realized that it was because they're like family members. Shay and Colette are the parents and Charles and Allie are like the cool aunt and uncle. I am the shyest person on the planet and when the loneliness comes screaming in, I can just log on and watch their smiling faces telling me that it's going to be okay, that I'm really not that alone. (sorry so mushy).

                                                     Colette Butler

The documentary goes behind the scenes, behind the computer screens and tells the stories of each person. How Charles filmed his brain surgery and how Shay started and sold Maker Studios to the Walt Disney company which changed how companies saw Youtubers. 

Vlogumentary Director

I have been so excited to watch this documentary, and once I finally pressed play it was relieving. I cried at parts that truly touched my heart. I never get tired of Youtubes first family (the Shaytards), but totally get why they're taking a break. And if I knew them, I would definitely ask if I could spend the week hiking in their mountains in Idaho. It is so beautiful there! The documentary does a beautiful job in showing that, and showing how difficult it can be to be a youtuber. Blogging can be difficult too from time to time, and it really gives a new fresh perspective on these people behind the screens making the content. 

I promise that if you watch this film, you will feel something. 
Vlogumentary Feels

And I know some people are upset that it's on YouTube Red, but there is a month free subscription and while some countries may have to wait to watch the film, I promise you that it is completely worth it. 

After watching Vlogumentary, I was so inspired to start my own youtube channel, but for now, I will just wait until I go abroad, because who doesn't want a million videos of castles? 

Have you watched Vlogumentary yet? What's your favorite type of Youtube video, family videos, makeup videos, prank videos? If you could meet one youtuber who would it be? 

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  1. I loved the film too! This was a great review! :) x

  2. Ohmygoodness that makes ME so excited to start a channel! I'm so glad you liked this post! I'm glad it exists too! :)


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