
H&M: Fall Loves

7:00:00 AM


I'm one of those people who love summer. The warmth, the light, the heat (even when people complain). I live in flowy t-shirts and leggings all summer and love it. While I do have to admit, I finally came to terms with the fact that it is now Fall, and went on a fall adventure in my newest favorite from one of my top-stores H&M. 


Having really fun outfits to wear during the Fall months make getting cold weather a little more bearable. The other day, I went out adventuring with a friend to a spot near my University to take some photos.

Fashion Post

Outfit of the day

I am all about being outdoors before the snow comes. I really am a wimp when the weather gets cold. I would prefer wrapping myself in a blanket, drinking a warm beverage and watching Netflix.
The day was gorgeous and we got to enjoy the fall colors that Wisconsin gets this time of year,we visited the nearby Farmers Market one last time, grabbing some homemade Monster cookies and ended our fun with the perfect meal at Noodles. Pesto cavatappi yes please!


Noodles and Company

What are some of your favorite stores? What are your favorite colors this season?
Thanks for reading, as always, make sure to follow me on all the social media over to the Contact page! 


Top: H&M
Pants: Kohls
Shoes: Target 

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  1. All of these photos are so autumnal, love your outfit! x

    Ariadna || RAWR BOWS

  2. I love burgundy, deep orange, and olive green during this time of year!

    I recently started blogging and would appreciate it if you checked it out:

    1. Thanks for reading! I would be happy to check out your blog :) x

  3. The food looks SO delicious and Your outfit rocks! I LOVE Your blog! These pictures are really- really good and autumnal. 😊

    Love, Roosi


    1. Thank you so much! :) I'm glad you liked them! xx

  4. Love the outfit and the pics! My favourite color this time of the year is probably burgundy (and black but that's always a fave anyway) hahah and I do love H&M so so much, they have great stuff!
    Anna x | dropsofanna.blogspot.com

    1. Thanks so much for reading! H&M is always great :) x


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