
Autumn Market

8:00:00 AM

Let's be honest here. I was one of those people who was not at all ready for it to be fall. The colorful leaves on the trees, yes maybe. But the colder weather, and not being able to lay out on the deck and the fact that classes are in full swing. No. Thanks. But now that October has rolled around, I've finally come to terms with it and have fallen in love with the season again. While scrolling through some photos, and being poorly (I can't breathe out of one nostril it's really great), I thought I would pop a few in a blog post for you all to enjoy. 

Most of these, if not all of them, are from a trip I took to the market in Minneapolis and it was packed with people and colorful looking veggies! 

How cute is that eggplant??

I hope you're having a great start to October so far, what are some things you like to do in the fall? Anything you're looking forward to? 

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  1. The farmer market is so fun to go to. Looks like you had a great time. :)

  2. Markets are one of my favourite things about Autumn and Winter time, they're the perfect way to spend a lazy morning or afternoon! This one looks lovely and I'm glad you enjoyed it x

    1. They always have the best fresh baked goods too! :) Thanks for reading xx

  3. Wow omg how id love to go to a market like this! Amazing this is soooo my thing!!!! Thanks for sharing. Have a lovely day!
    Dominica from www.its-dominica.blogspot.co.uk


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