

7:21:00 AM

It's hard to believe that it has already been 18 days since I  arrived in England. I didn't know anyone here, and now I feel like I have some of the best friends you could ever find. I've had a full week of classes already and have a lot of readings to do each week, which keeps me pretty busy and not homesick. 

Gretchen Reese Photography

On Friday, a group of five of us (The Fab Five), packed our bags and headed out to the nearby train station. It was freezing, but luckily the wait wasn't so bad and despite my friend Hannah getting her crisps stuck in the vending machine, we still made it without error. We were going to Liverpool. 
Riding on a train through England is so much different than the states, and it's actually really relaxing looking at the rolling green hills and farms outside the window. 

Saturday, we tok the train into the heart of Liverpool, a bustling industrial city with amazing buildings and cute little shops. The main attraction for all of us was the Beatles tour, and we spent the afternoon listening to the audio book, listening about their lives. 


1/5 of the Fab Five, likes to tell scary stories, and so the tri-squad squished together on one bed the two nights we were there. 

Best Friends

Though Liverpool wasn't extremely exciting for me, I still enjoyed my time there. Someone told me before we left for this trip, that it isn't about where you go really, it's about who you're traveling with. And that's true, we had so many laughs and memories I won't forget. 

Thanks for listening to this post! Next stop: Lincoln and York

Photo Credit: Gretchen Reese

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  1. I love travelling in groups, it's so much more fun! Liverpool is really great though (I'm from Northern Ireland!) x


    1. Me too! It's cheaper as well! :)
      x Thanks for reading!

  2. Looks like you have made some great friends, so happy for you! Liverpool sounds fun, but the camaraderie and memories are priceless!! Enjoy the rest of your adventure, can't wait to see where else your travels take you.


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