
Settling In

8:07:00 AM

Hello everyone, I hope you're all having a great day! In my last post, you read that I was setting up to travel to England. Since you're reading this, I have officially made it. It was an 8 hour plane ride, and I stayed awake the entire flight, which is the same as staying up until 3am! There was a special student line at the passport area and the group of students on my flight all got through! 

We met up with our group after grabbing our luggage, and waited for the last people to arrive. The six of us that were on the same flight all went to grab some caffeine. I still took a nap on the bus for about a half hour, maybe an hour as it was a two and a half hour journey to the manor anyway. I slept that night for a solid 9 hours and 19 minutes (thanks Fitbit) 

Dog Gif

After wandering around a bit, and finding my room, I unpacked and decided to do some more exploring. I'm probably going to get lost a few times here, but everything is magical. My room overlooks some of the garden. which is pretty cool. The second day, was full of wandering and making sure everything was set to go for Monday. We gathered for a great meal and went for drinks afterwards.

The next day, we ventured into the nearby city (Finally), which will make it into a later blog post! 
I hope you all enjoyed this type of post! There will be some really exciting ones coming up and I cannot wait to share them with you! 

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  1. I'm glad you are having fun in England. It's a wonderful experience :)


  2. I'm so excited for you!
    Can't wait to read about all of your adventures :)


    1. Thanks Brooklyn! I'm so excited to share them all! :)

  3. I'm glad you made it! Can't wait to read about your adventure!


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