
Yoking around in York

3:39:00 PM

Waking up in England is still like waking up in a dream for me. I know that it has been almost a month now, but it still doesn't seem real. 

This past weekend, we layered up and set off for the town of York. It started off as a damp morning, but we fueled up at a coffee shop before heading into the York Minister Cathedral.

The cathedral was so gorgeous. Most of us got tickets to go to the top of the Cathedral and after climbing 275 steep steps, the view was gorgeous. I really get blown away everyday living in this country.



If you're looking for things to do in York, I would for sure recommend stopping by and climbing to the top if you're not afraid of heights! If you want to know more, visit their website here! for times to visit, how to book and other questions you might have.

York also has this adorable lanes called "the shambles" which looks a lot like Diagon alley from Harry Potter. Like almost every city I've visited so far in England, there were street performers as well. And they were amazing.

Harry Potter

Street preformers
As we walked around York, we also found the Yorkshire soap shop, which smelled so great and the soaps were shaped like cupcakes and cakes.
Cupcake soap

We stopped at York's famous lunch spot Little Betty's, which was worth the wait and will be in a different blog post, because it was that good! The day in York started out bright and early and rainy but it turned out to be a perfect sunny day at the end of it.
We ended our trip with a quick stop to a chocolate shop. I got a dark chocolate belgian square, I loved it.

I've been loving my time in England so far, and cannot believe that it has been nearly a month since I've landed here. It feels like I've known my friends here for so long, and I cannot wait for more memories that are coming up! 

Have you ever been to York? What is your favorite city in England? I hope you're enjoying these posts! 

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  1. You have a gift of describing your activitys. I love it .

  2. York looks like a very nice and beautiful place! Glad you had a good time there and that you're enjoying England. I've only been to London so I can't really say what's my fav city in England haha I do love London though.

    PS: I've been catching up on all your posts and I love them all!!
    Anna x |dropsofanna.blogspot.com

    1. Thanks so much Anna! I think You would love it!!

  3. I've really enjoyed reading about your new found adventures here! If you ever make the trip back to London, honestly, feel free to tweet/email for any tips or recommendations!

    Angela | theawkwardblog.com

    1. Aw thank you so much! I've already set up another trip to London and will ask you for some tips! :)


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