
Pre-Thoughts: Study Abroad

8:30:00 AM

First things first, how does everyone like Tuesday's as a posting date? I hope you all can check in once in awhile, especially since there will be a new study abroad/travel post every week on this day! 
I was lucky enough to be one of the people who had finals due online instead of in person and stole a bit more time at home than I thought I would have. 


Because at 7:39 US central time, I'll be boarding my flight at the Minneapolis Airport headed for London. A place that I have dreamed of being in since I was sat at a desk aged 12. 

I'll probably cry. 
I'll probably order wine on the plane, settle into a movie and find as much sleep as I possibly can. 


I loved being at home. I hate goodbyes. But knowing that my family is coming in April at the end of my trip to Prague is reassuring that I can do this.

                 you got this gif


I am so nervous. I get homesick so easily and I am terrified but excited to run around the streets of London and go to all of the places I've read in blogposts (farmgirl cafe. yes please). Maybe even meet a few fellow bloggers (email me if you'd like to meet up!) 

I am also so excited.  My next post that will be up on this space will be about my first weekend in England. Settling in and all that. 
Monsters Inc Boo

As I board the airplane I have to remind myself that this is the dream and I didn't work so hard to chicken out now. 

Are there any spots in London or Europe that I should put on my list? Let me know please! 
Check out my snapchat (kenziedear)  and my instagram for photos of the fun. I also started a youtube channel (CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE) The next time you hear from me, I'll be in England! 

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  1. London is a wonderful place! Where are you heading to study? :) I really love being there whenever I go, though I'm usually there to get jobs done and rarely get time to see the sights! You'll have an amazing time over here in England! And good luck! :) Looking forward to hearing about all your adventures! x

    Victoria | VictoriaaHelenn

    1. I will be about an hour north of London! I'm really excited! :) x

  2. You will have an amazing time! The adjustment will be hard at the beginning, but hang in there. It is totally worth it.

    1. Thank you so much! :) I'm excited, but hopefully blogging will help with my nerves too! :)

  3. I'm SO excited and proud of you for going after your dream! I'm sure there will be tears (hopefully not from your Mom)but the fun and new friends you make will make it all worth it once you get there!

    “Don't be afraid of your fears. They're not there to scare you. They're there to let you know that something is worth it.” ― C. JoyBell C

    Cant wait to read all of your blogs. Have fun on your adventure! xoxo

  4. Kenzie,
    I am on the verge of tears (happy ones of course) reading this! I am so so so proud of you and know how hard you've worked for this opportunity. I can't wait to read your weekly updates!! I hope you have safe travels, learn a lot, and most importantly enjoy each and every moment!
    Much love! Xx

  5. Awww, that is such a sweet post, lovely!! Enjoy England the rest of your adventures in Europe!! You will love every minute. Just make sure to have an open mind and take this experience as it is - an adventure :)
    Safe travels and have fun!!!! <3
    P.S. I studied in MN for a year as an exchange student. It was some experience on my behalf as well :) I was 17 back then.
    xox Nadia

  6. You used both a Robert Downey Jr and Modern Family gif so I automatically love this post! In terms of London, of course it's a great tourist destination. But as someone who studies here, the amount of studying resources is really overlooked. There are so many educational things and free libraries etc that make studying here really worth it. Great post xx


    1. They're just fab! I will have to check those out then! I do love little things people hardly know about :) Thanks for reading! x

  7. London is like my favourite place ever. I'm so jealous. I went to live in France for 4 months so I know how you feel but it will be fine. You are going to have a great time!

    Laura | misslaurabora.com


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