
The Largest Mall in the US!!!!

12:19:00 PM

This past weekend, my family packed up the car and traveled to Minnesota. 
  My cousin was having her graduation party on Saturday and we were there to help celebrate. The drive from my house to my cousins is only about 3 or 4 hours depending on traffic. It's really not that bad, and I kind of like traveling by car anyway. 
  We had a lovely dinner on the lake Friday night which made me miss boating and being on the lake. 
 The next day, the day of the party, we headed over to the Mall Of America. For those of you who don't know, the Mall of America also known as MOA, is the largest mall in the United States (and they're currently adding on to it!). I've been there plenty of times as I'm lucky enough to have family living there. The Mall of America has 520 stores, and about 50 restaurants! Trust me, I've been there plenty of times and I'm still not sure that I've seen the whole thing!
     The first store I went into was Forever 21. It's huge! I did manage to take a few pictures just to show you! 

I actually had to stand back pretty far in order to take this photo! This is going downstairs to their second level from their first level. It's huge! 
This is just the downstairs. If you love Forever 21, I recommend coming here! 
I did spot a few clothes, but I was really excited to also be headed to LUSH, so I had to be wary with how much money I had to spend. 
I did manage to find a golden heart necklace for just $1.93, which hey that's pretty good! 
It's cute isn't it? I love understated necklaces! 
After Forever 21, I popped into the Gap with my mom, then H&M. I knew we would be back in August so I wasn't too worried about not being able to find something. Plus I don't enjoy spending money if I don't have to! Then I was on my own off to LUSH. Finally, after months of waiting! I was really excited, as soon as I spotted the sign I just couldn't wait. 
It smelled so good! 
Don't worry, I did manage to buy a few things. Almost $40 worth. All BathBombs! 
The shiny silver one is not a product of LUSH it's actually a shower scent! 
From LUSH I got, Secret Garden, Fizzbanger, Avobath, Yuzu & Coco Bubbleroon, Butterball, and Creamy Candy Bubble Bar. They all smell so delicious! Especialy the Bubbleroon! I cannot wait to try them out! I will definitely let you know what I think! 
I also took more pictures of the Mall in case you haven't been, which seeing as many of you live in far away places I would think that you haven't! 
On the left, is looking over from the second floor. And the right is Lego Land! The Mall of America has an indoor amusement park which I have been to many times! It's lots of fun! 
I cannot wait to go back in August! 
What are your favorite LUSH products? Where's your favorite place to shop? 
Let me know in the comments below! I do love hearing from you! :) 

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  1. The Forever 21 is amazing, is it not?? I've been there so many times it's like a normal mall to me. It's actually kind of hard to believe it's the biggest one in the US. If you come back soon we should meet up. I love your blog and am excited to read more of your posts! xo

    1. Yes it's wonderful! It takes me forever to get through it! I'm actually coming back at the end of this month! Maybe we could meetup? Just send me an email! Thanks so much for your comment! xx


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