
Holiday Tradition: Truffles

12:00:00 PM

Some things never change when it comes to the holiday season. Whether it be waking up and getting to open your stockings stuffed with gifts for St Nick's Day, decorating your Christmas tree with your family, or baking certain foods, it's something that you've probably come to love when the lovely month of December rolls in. 
 Something that I've always liked to do is make truffles with my grandma. Chocolate truffles are probably one of my favorite, closely tied with the cookies that hold the Reese's cups inside them (already planned a post about those, stay tuned!) It's a fairly simple recipe and doesn't take that much time at all! 
 If you love chocolate, then you'll love this post! At least, I think you will! 

The recipe my grandmother follows calls for: 
 45 Oreo cookies (regular or double stuffed), we use two of the packages. 
 1(8 ounce) package cream cheese softened
 2(8 ounce) packages of semi-sweet chocolate chips, melted

First, you want to crush 9 or 10 of the Oreo cookies and set the crumbs aside. Make sure their small parcels, as they're going to be on top of the truffles! 

 Secondly, grab a large bowl, putting in the creme cheese and follow up by crushing the first box of cookies and a few of the other box. After you've done this, you can now mix the crumbs with the creme cheese. 

 This is when you bring out your baking sheet, setting some wax paper on top in order to keep the mess at bay. Roll the creme cheese-oreo combination into small balls, setting each on the pan. It doesn't matter in this case, how close you set the balls because you're not putting them into the oven so no need to worry about them spreading! 
After you've rolled the mixture into the balls, drop them into the chocolate. To make it a little more runny, my grandmother added a bit of cooking wax. You roll the ball in the chocolate and drop it back onto the pan, sprinkling a bit of those extra oreo crumbs that you've set aside, on top! 

Once you've done this, you can now put them into the fridge to cool for about 15 to 20 minutes. 
Then you can enjoy this excellent treat! 
Like I said, I love making (and eating) these during the holidays! And I hope you give them a try! Let me know how they turn out for you! 

Christmas is getting closer!! 

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  1. Now I have cravings for these truffles. You did a great job and it's really not difficult. Great post.


    1. No they're simple that's what I love about them! :)

  2. They look delicious.
    Craving truffles pretty badly right now.

    Xx Anne

    1. They are! Trust me! Though I think my family has eaten 95% of them and I've only had a few! Ah!


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