
Adventure in the Southwest pt 2

2:00:00 PM

 Although Arizona was colder than expected, it still managed to be a good vacation. 
While we were visiting my grandparents in their retirement village, we were staying in a unit right behind theirs. The first day we were there, the same day we had just gotten off the airplane, we took a winding, rock filled road out to a place called the Desert bar. 
 It sits on an old copper mine campground and attracts a large crowd, though it's only opened on the weekends, October through April, when the weather is mild! It's also completely solar powered. It's a neat rustic looking place and if you can manage the roads without getting ill then you should definitely visit!

The next day was more of a relaxing day, as we only went out to watch the Packers win a game from a bar. Though the view from the bar was also pretty. It was on a lake!
Though the next day was when we, as in both my grandparents, my mom, stepdad, sister and myself, all piled into my grandparents van and drove to Palm Springs. 
The drive was nice, we stopped along the way to view some sand dunes. Looking over them, it felt as though you were transported to some foreign country and if you dared climb over one of the dunes far off you may just get yourself lost. 
There were dune buggies as well, and had we been staying near the dunes at all, I may have wanted to try my hand at driving one of them..or at least riding along. 
After seeing the Sand Dunes, we moved past the Sultan Sea. Which my grandpa was pretty intrigued with...can't say the same for all of us though. We all just wanted to get to the hotel and sit by the pool for a bit of sun. 
After finally arriving, we had a bit of a tan near the pool before wandering around Palm Springs. 
The down town area of Palm Springs was cute, it was lined with a few shops and restaurants.

 After eating a nice dinner, we went on to our next adventure. 
Which is what will fill the next blog post! 
Can't wait for you to read it! 
I hope you enjoyed this one! Let me know if you've been to any of these spots in the comments! 
See you in the next post! 

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  1. Just read the first post and then this one, It sounds like a really fun and lovely vacation, the places are so beautiful! Can't wait to read the next post :)
    Anna x


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