
Christmas Lights in the South

2:00:00 PM

I've never traveled anywhere during the holiday season, therefore seeing Christmas lights anywhere that didn't have snow was a little different for me, but also really neat at the same time. We went to a thing called Living Desert Lights in Palm Desert which was at the Living Desert Zoo. There are a few light shows like this in Wisconsin and I'm sure in other areas as well. The Christmas lights are hung around a path at the zoo, not throughout the whole zoo though just a section. Though it is still beautiful and I took plenty of pictures. 

I loved these butterfly lights they had in this big tree! They were lit to make it look as if the butterfly was flying or sitting in the tree as the wings alternated lighting. 
I know this is a short post about this one part of my trip! But I felt as though it needed to be short and sweet and not bunched along with other bits and bobs!
I hope you all are having a great day!
Let me know what you think in the comments! 

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