
Casual trip to London?

3:00:00 PM

In Arizona there is a town called Lake Havasu, it's close to Parker and on the 7th day of my vacation that's where we went. First, we took a detour to see the wild burrows, they're also called donkeys. They were so cute! People have been able to feed them, so when we did stop a few adventurous souls would slowly wander towards the vehicle! 
 There were a few babies as well and they were adorable. 

These two reminded me of my friends cats, as they play fight too! 
After viewing the burrows/donkeys we moved on into the town. 
I've always had a fascination with the city of London, and there is a bridge in Lake Havasu that was actually build in London, the guy had bought it for the city and moved it to Arizona. Because of the bridge being built, they consider a small part of the area an actual part of the City of London itself. So technically I was in London...without actually have gone to England. 
We walked along the river, as most of the shops were closed (it's a hotspot during Spring Break in the states). It was still gorgeous. 

(see technically London!)

The river walk might have been my secret favorite part between the beginning and that point of the vacation, but I was also really excited to go hiking at our next destination!
I can't wait to write about that for you guys! 
I hope you enjoyed this one as well! 

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  1. the donkeys though. so freakin' adorable!

    1. It was really difficult not to take one home especially the baby ones because they were so furry! :) x

  2. Nice photos. It must have been a great fun



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