
Up in the Clouds

3:11:00 PM

After saying farewell to my grandparents, we drove back to Phoenix. This time to climb Camelback mountain and spend time seeing the city. A downside of being in the city of Phoenix is that at the time, which nobody considered, we had actually arrived in the midst of the bowl games for football. Which resulted in no parking spots at once side of the mountain. Defeated for the moment, we ended up in Old Scottsdale. 
It's a pretty little part of town, filled with shops and art exhibits. I ended up getting the one souvenir I had wanted, a mug that says Arizona on it! 
 I did take a few pictures of course! Oh! I don't think I mentioned that I've been using my new camera that I had gotten for Christmas on this trip, which made it really exciting. 

(Sorry I can't really put these pictures side by side I'm not really sure how to do that just yet!)

After wandering about, we did decide to go to an alternate trailhead at the other side of the mountain and I was really glad! Having eaten sooooo poorly during the holiday and not being able to venture far on some of the day trips, it felt really nice to get out and exercise(I know I'm strange). My sister on the other hand, was not thrilled what-so-ever and complained halfway up the mountain and stopped finally when she was too cross to finish.
 So up I went. Straight to the top. Snapping pictures as I climbed. 

It had incredible views. Sadly we started too late and didn't have much time to be on the top!
At the end of the night, we ended up back in Scottsdale and had a lovely dinner at a restaurant called Daily Dose. I'm actually contemplating doing a full on review post about how it was. Let me know if you'd like to read one of those! 
I mean look at how pretty my salad was!
After that day, we went on home.
I'm not going to lie, the trip had it's ups and downs but all do I suppose. All in all, it was great to be away from the snow and in the sunshine just for a little while.
Being home is bittersweet as it's also the first time coming home from a vacation without having Sadie there to greet us. I still do miss her a lot. It's still hard sometimes. But I don't like to talk about it really. 
So I'll just put a picture of her here.

Thanks for reading guys! I hope you all aren't too cold wherever you live! 
Let em know if you want me to do a review of the restaurant or if you'd like to see more photos of the trip, I have loads! So maybe just a picture post?
Have a great day!

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  1. I've really enjoyed reading your travelling posts, so many beautiful places!! And yes I'd like to read a review on the restaurant, the salad looks amazing hahah And about the picture post, it would also be a good idea, there are never enough great travelling pictures! :)
    Anna x

    1. Thanks so much! I'll draft the review soon then and the picture post! :)
      Hope you're doing well!! x

  2. lovely photos- looks like you've had an amazing time x

  3. the place looks amazing!! cute doggy btw



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