
Trip to the Southwest pt 4

2:00:00 PM

If you've been keeping up on these blog posts I hope that you're enjoying them! After leaving Palm Springs we traveled through the Joshua Tree National Forest. It was cold. Probably about 35 degrees Fahrenheit, though I would have liked to explore some of the trails had we packed along some of our winter jackets. Though we also probably couldn't have done any extra exploring since we were somewhat limited in what we could do with my grandfather, who doesn't like to do much that doesn't involve a spot to sit. As we drove through I started to miss my best friend..and my goldfish. 
 The park offered many lookouts and I couldn't help but also imagine that the scenery would be perfect had dinosaurs roamed about (which thankfully they do not). 

After the Joshua Tree trip, we got to relax the next day. Which also happened to be the very last day of 2014. Spending New Years Eve in a retirement village might not have been as much fun as hanging out with friends but I'm pretty sure my friend was going to bed early anyway if she had to work the next day. And the New Years Eve blog post had gone up that day also! I hope you've read it! It's right here if you haven't! 
The vacation blog posts are almost over! I hope you're enjoying them!

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  1. Woah Joshua Tree looks different than I remember! Gotta visit again soon.
    I need to catch you next time you're in SoCal!

  2. hey love your blog! was wondering if you would like to f4f, just let me know over on my blog heleenakhela.blogspot.co.uk xxx :)

    1. Thanks for visiting and I would love to! :) x


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