
ThrowBack: Europe

10:00:00 AM

There are just some trips that you remember for ages. Whether it be the first time going out of state, the first time going somewhere with just your friends, or the first time you've seen the ocean. 3 years ago I had the lucky chance to go on my first trip overseas. Italy, Greece and Turkey. 
It was the 10th of July 2012. 
My mothers side of the family had been planning this trip for over a year, there were originally 10 people in our group, unfortunately my Grandpa hurt his foot and was unable to join us, making our party a group of 9. 
Our first stop was in Rome Italy. 

I can still remember the dark green stair case we had to take to our apartment-style hotel room. I could tell you the exact place we had our first meal, after a 9 hour flight, we were quite delirious with lack of sleep and that could be why the pizza tasted like bites of heaven. The gelato was incredibly smooth, and tasty and I'm pretty sure I could probably survive on gallons of the stuff. 

After staying in Rome, virtually walking everywhere, seeing the Coliseum, Spanish Steps, The Vatican and Trevi Fountain, watching a tan Italian man smoke a cigarette on his balcony only to have him wave at me and be joined by his equally as tan girlfriend, it was off to the cruise ship. 
This ship would serve incredible food, hold some interesting people and we'd make a few friends as well. 
We stopped in Sicily first, wandering the beautiful streets of Messina, standing on Mt Etna. (the latest eruption has been 16 May 2015!). The difference in pizzas from Rome to Sicily was interesting. Though both were equally as tasty! 

We spent our time on the cruise ship exploring, meeting new friends from different states and countries. Months after the cruise we'd still be talking, and keeping up via facebook. 
We would stop during the day in Mykonos, and Santorini, and also Turkey. 
My favorite was definitely Oia, where there was a kissing fish store and endless shops and beautiful scenery at every turn. 
We spent a day at the beach in Mykonos, and spent another day discovering my new love of couscous in Turkey. 
There was a little marketplace set among some hills in a Turkish village where there were plenty of puppies and cats! 
We also stopped along the Amalfi Coast at the end of our trip. 
We also saw Pompeii, and stopped (again) and a little bakery. 
I fell in love with this part of Europe and I think this was the trip that made me realize how big the world really is. I also have been obsessed with going back ever since. Hopefully next summer (cross your fingers) I'll be in England, and back to Italy and Greece and hopefully more countries. 
The best part of the trip was probably that none of us could use our phones, because of overseas charges. That might have been the reason the trip was so enjoyable. Because I was unreachable. (though nobody really wanted to reach me anyway). 
There's so much more to explore and I can't wait to get back. 
What was your favorite vacation/holiday? Where would you like to visit? 
I hope you liked the little Throwback post! 
I liked reliving it! 

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  1. OMG I love Rome!I live in a country right next to Italy and visit every year!It's one of my favorite places on Earth,but going to Greece would be an absolute dream come true for me.So lucky!

    1. I'd love to go back to both places, I'm so jealous you go every year!!!

  2. I always wanted to visit Europe your pictures makes me crave travelling even more. This is so fun to read love reading your post they always makes me smile:) Do you want to support each other's blog by following each other?:) Please let me know if you do so I can follow you right back x



    1. It's incredible! I love traveling and even though it has been 3 years, it's still my favorite trip I've ever been on! (Of course I'll follow you! :) )

  3. I was in Italy last year, it is so beautiful country:) I recommend you to visit Verona next time, place where is Julia's balcony is amazing :) I really liked your blog, so i'm living a follow! Have a good day :)


    1. I love Italy and I'll definitely put Verona on my list of places to go! Thanks for following! I'll follow you back :) x

  4. nice post and photos!
    Dear, would you like to follow each other?
    let me know and I follow you back)


  5. This post was amazing, beautiful pictures and great experiences! I wish I could go back to Italy and visiting Greece and Turkey would be perfect.

    My favorite holiday would be London this year because it's the first time I travelled out of the country with my family and because it was England haha I'd love to visit the rest of Europe and someday go to the USA too. I just want to travel a lot.

    Hope you can go to England next year!! I've actually started to save money to go back there and visit more cities :) If you ever come here to Barcelona we need to meet though!

    Anna xx

    1. I'm still really jealous you were in London! But of course If I'm ever in Spain I will let you know! :) x

  6. I love Italy! I visited it in 2002 and I hope to go back soon!
    I really want to visit Greece, especially Santorini and Mykonos. I had thought about going this summer bur I ended up booking a trip to Paris. Hopefully next year!


    1. Anywhere in Europe is pretty nice! I'm sure Paris is amazing too!


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