
Christmas WishList

10:00:00 AM

Every year I get asked to make my parents a Christmas list, and every year I find it more and more difficult to conjure one up. As I've gotten older, there isn't much that I desperately want or need, I mean I could put a trip to Europe or some tropical destination on there but I have a feeling they would never go for that. I feel really lucky not to need so much for Christmas, but that doesn't mean it isn't fun to online shop and eventually whip up a list anyway! That's what this post is about. My Christmas wishlist. Maybe we have a few of the same things!

Christmas 2015

I like to split my lists into categories. Firstly there are Clothes. 

Holiday fashion

Though mostly filled with sweaters and cardigans at this time of year, it's always nice to get a giftcard to my favorite shops as well. Those include H&M, Forever 21, Target and Kohl's. Recently I stumbled upon this shop called Spoiled Rotton, and it's online, it has all the above clothing. How cute! I love watermelon, I think throwing on a dress in the summer would be perfect and you can never have enough summer dresses! As well as the pullovers, never can have enough of those in the cold Wisconsin winter months.
Here are the links:
 (Watermelon dress) (Elephant Sweater)
(Purple sweater)  (Black and White Sweater)

The second category I like to put in is Scents.
 I love changing smells throughout the seasons. This year, I recently purchased the Cup of Warmth from Bath and Body Works. It smells amazing, and makes me want to crawl into a warm blanket with a cup of tea or hot chocolate. A lot of my favorite scents come in the car type since I've got a bunch of candles already!


The fourth category for me is Bath. 
 You all know, if you've been reading my blog for awhile that I love LUSH. I love taking a nice warm bath after work or when the weather is cold and relaxing with some bath bombs. Lush has their christmas ones out. Though many of those are on my list, I also enjoy my all time favorites (that's Fizzbanger, Butterball, and Blackberry). 

As far as other things on my list, I really don't have anymore ideas. I don't expect any of this stuff to actually end up in my stockings or under the tree but it's fun  to pick and choose. 
There are also decorative pillows like these that would look nice in my dorm room! 
Light gray pillowDecorativeHoliday Pillow
(these come from Target, Kohls and Shopko!)

In all honesty, I think I spent more time on the website of WorldMarket looking for stocking stuffers (because they have food from all over the world) than I did anything else. I mean, dark chocolate? Yes please. Even though I'm cutting back sugar and trying to eat healthy they still had those options for me too! 
I really enjoy giving gifts much more than I enjoy receiving them. I like making the gift or buying it off the shelf and wrapping it and handing it off to the person. I love Christmas so much. I can't wait to continue on celebrating all month long! 
What kind of things are you asking for for Christmas? Anything that you're excited to give away? 
I hope you've all done all your shopping! 
x :) 

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  1. Ooh, I love those decorative pillows! I've had exactly the same bother thinking up a list this year - as cliche as it sounds I am seriously just looking forward to spending time with my family, not having to cook and having someone else pay for the vino! x

    Viva Epernay ❤

    1. Same Same! :) So glad you read this post! Happy Holidays! x

  2. I think that's my favorite! :) I'm sure you'll have a great year! Merry Christmas to you too! :) x

  3. I like the pillows they're so cute!!♥


  4. Great post,loved it! :)
    xoxo Antonella :)


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