
What to do in Charleston

8:00:00 AM

South Carolina is an extremely beautiful state. It's literally shaped like a diamond. I recently went to the city of Charleston and spent some time there and came up with a list of things to do when you visit the historic city yourself!

Charleston South Carolina
  1. Take a Walking Tour This is one way to learn about the history of Charleston. You can take the tour on foot with a guide who will show you along the streets of the city. There are also carriage tours as well. 
  2. Stick your feet in one of the fountains. On a hot and humid day in Charleston, you'll want to cool off in one of the fountains near the shore. I dipped my feet into this pineapple one, and it felt extremely refreshing
  3. Go walking at night While you can see a ton of cool things during the day, the city gives a different experience when the sun goes down. 
  4. Stop at the Market The market holds so many local vendors and it's really fun to see how creative people can be! 
  5. Visit the Hunley An old submarine was found right off the coast of Charleston, and you can visit it and take a tour to see it
  6. See Rainbow Row It's kind of a landmark, and you have to do it! 
  7. Grab some ice. There are shaved ice carts all around the city, I believe they're all students raising money for college (which is actually located in Charleston itself!) 
  8. Visit Plantations There is an entire street loaded with plantations that guests can tour. Though I didn't go on this trip, they look amazing and I would love to the next time I'm around! 
  9. Eat at Jestine's and Hyman's. I can't mention one and not say the other, as they're both my favorite spots to eat in the city! 
  10. Visit the Churches. It's not called the 'Holy City' for nothing! Charleston is decorated with amazing architecture and the churches are so pretty. 
You can find a ton of information just by googling some of these spots! I loved spending time in Charleston, and while I may have been there a few days too long, I would still go back! 
Have you ever visited a holiday place more than once? Where do you always go? Where would you love to return to? 
Let me know in the comments! 
x Kenzie

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  1. Charleston looks so gorgeous! I want to go there so badly!


  2. Great post, beautiful picture as well, truly inspiring, thank you for sharing!!!



  3. Charleston looks so beautiful! It's definitely on my to go list.

    x Annabelle


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