
Funfetti Cookies

8:30:00 AM

It's holiday season, which means it's time to give in to all those sweets. I hardly baked anything this past summer, and being away at school means I have no access to a proper kitchen Recently, I went home and had the perfect excuse to try out a new cookie recipe! I only hope you'll love it as much as I did!

Cookies for vegans

You may remember that a few months ago, I made this batch of cookies. And similarly I had found a box of funfetti cake mix and wanted to whip it up into a batch of cookies. So, here's what you'll need! 

1. Baking Sheet
2.Funfetti Cake Mix
3.Veggie Oil
4.Vegan frosting (I used dollop) 
5. White Vinegar
6. Baking Soda

First, you can totally un-veganise this recipe by using 2 eggs instead of White Vinegar and Baking soda. The steps are simple to follow and they go like this: 

1. Heat oven to 375 F. 
2. In large bowl combine  cake mix, oil, 2 tablespoons white vinegar and 2 teaspoons baking soda, stir with spoon until thoroughly moistened. If it's a bit crumbly, just add a little bit of water (about 1 tablespoon). 

3. Shape dough into 1-inch balls and place 2 inches apart on ungreased pan or parchment paper
4. Flatten cookies with bottom of cup about 1/4 inch thick
5.Bake about 6-8 minutes (or until golden brown edges) 
Homemade cookies

For the frosting, I used this madagascar vanilla flavor from the Dollop company (which has many more flavors and you should check them out). Being a white cookie, I wanted to spruce up the frosting a bit and added red food coloring! 

I hope you enjoyed this recipe, and have fun making it! It's nearly Thanksgiving here in the states, which means I am almost done with this semester of school then I will be heading off across the sea for four months! That's crazy! 
Fresh cookies

Have you tried any new recipes lately? Tell me about yours in the comments! :) x

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