
Fall Favorites

1:30:00 PM

If you're a blogger, do you ever mean to write up a post but then something else comes up and that post gets pushed back? That's what happened with this one. See I meant to post it in September, when Autumn was just beginning, not the beginning of November with only a few weeks left. 
Sorry. Blame school, work, other posts that came before this one.
Autumn has come in full swing here in Wisconsin and that means I can bring out some of my favorite things!
I can finally pull out my fuzzy socks, and turn on the fireplace.
In no particular order, here are a few of my current favorite things this season.


Hot Tea
I love hot tea. When I'm really cold, or even just anxious, I can pick a favorite flavor and pop it into the hot water and let it steep. Usually my favorites fall between Raspberry or Blueberry but the last trip to the grocery store I picked up a new box of assorted flavors and I'm really excited to try them!

Ice Tea
Even though Ice Tea is more of a Summer type of thing, I really can't stop drinking it. I may or may not get a little shaky thinking about it if I haven't had any for awhile. And I may or may not be on my second one while typing this. (I am) 

Apple Cider
This is definitely a drink you can have in Winter as well. A friend recommended an Apple Cider that has caramel in it with the cider, topped with whip creme and a sprinkle of cinnamon. It is incredible. 
But it's also really sweet, so I unfortunately cannot have too much! Which might be good for me...and  my wallet.  


There is nothing better than wrapping a nice knit infinity scarf over a sweater or shirt. 
My neck is warm and I'm extremely happy. 

My favorite outfit this fall is this white flowy shirt from H&M, skinny black jeans and my newest pair of Oxfords. Paired with this heart necklace from forever 21. 


Right now my favorite songs of the Fall are 
Fireproof by One Direction
Always you by Maroon Five
Unkiss me by Maroon Five
Leaving California also by Maroon Five


Fall always brings the prettiest colors here in Wisconsin so I try to take a deep breath and love it as much as I can because the terrible Winter will be on its way. 
I've had to get up pretty early for work but the sunrises are really beautiful. And I also leave school in the afternoon to see the colors on the hills in my town. 

For right now, these are all of my favorite things this season! 
What are some of your favorites? Do we have any in common? 
I do love reading your comments so even if you have nothing to say just type hello! 

See you in the next post! 

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  1. I WANT THAT SHIRT! Such a cute outfit. Totally going to copy you the next time I go shopping ;)
    You should post like a fall lookbook or something featuring the amazing nature in Wisconsin during the fall! That would be awesome <3

    1. It's at H&M go and get it! We can match from different states it'll be so cute! :) that's a good idea..maybe I will!

  2. Scarves are my favorite thing!! Also boots, hot chocolate, blankets and comfy clothes hahah I love the Maroon 5 songs!!
    Anna x

    1. I have sooo many scarves! I'm glad you liked this post! :) xx


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