
A day with the Dogs

1:00:00 PM

Having the need to cure the boredom that has started to sink in during this Summer, I decided to go to an event. The second to last day of June, there was a Festival. Not just any festival but a Shih Tzu Festival! 

 It was the second annual Shih-Tzu Rescue Festival. If you don't know, a Shih Tzu is a type of dog. That's what Sadie is!

 There were tons of dogs there, being the massive dog lover that I am, I was in heaven! 
The even was heald by the Shih-Tzu Rescue of Central Wisconsin. It's a non-profit organization that saves the lives of abused, abandoned or unwanted Shih-Tzus or Shih-Tzu Mixes. Which is really sad to think of anyone not wanting a dog. They're great, I can't imagine what I would be like without a dog. 
  Since Sadie is black and white, it's really interesting to see all of the different patterns and colors on the dogs! They were so cute! I wish I could have taken one home with me but I already have one. I just don't see Sadie wanting to share her spot on the couch looking out the window. 

They were sooooo sweet! I just wanted to scoop one up and run away with it. 
I really can't tell you how hard it was to not do that! 
They were also selling dog treats, magnets and various other things that I can't remember! They were also grooming dogs, but I couldn't watch for long because the woman doing it was putting sparkles and stickers on the dog and that just didn't feel comfortable to me to even be there. You don't go for a haircut and have your hair person put stickers in your hair do you? Probably not. 
It made me really happy to come home to Sadie though. I just wanted to cuddle her. 
She wasn't feeling the same way though and opted to cuddle her toy under my bed. Party pooper :( . 

It did bring more awareness into my life about organizations like these. Who knows, maybe when I'm older and living in a house of my own I might even rescue one!

Have you ever rescued a dog? My cousins have a rescue dog, kind of, that's a different story. Do you know someone who has rescued a dog? 

Thanks for reading! 
See you next time! 
(don't forget to follow me on bloglovin! Just click that button to the right!) 

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  1. came across your blog from zoella's and though i would check it out

    omg your blog is amazing :) i love the design will defo keep reading

    i have just uploaded a new post if you wouldn't mind commenting what you think


    thank you have a nice day

    1. Oh thank you so much!! I will definitely go check yours out! :) xxx

  2. Awe these dogs are so cute :') I love dogs and recently got a puppy lab he grows so fast :) xx



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