
A Smelly Post

12:30:00 PM

I don't know about you, but I'm one of those people who love perfume. Did you think this post was going to be about something else? Well it's not!
I'm one of those people who have to see what something smells like when I walk by, and I also really love how the bottles look too!
 I have a lot of perfumes, but I obviously can't wear them all, I imagine I would smell really strong. Like bad strong. You never want to smell too strong. You'll scare people. Don't scare people.

I tried to organize them  with the tall ones in the back and the smaller ones up front. Unfortunately after pulling all of these out I realized some of them are empty, maybe I've been keeping them because I like the bottles. Some of these I also use more often than others as well. It's interesting how a certain perfume can have a certain smell that makes you think of a particular time. Some of these have more wintry smells and some are more springy or summery (are those even words?). Well let's began shall we?
Before you say anything I really don't know where the cap for the one to the left is. It wasn't on the shelf anywhere so it might have been thrown out at some point. I don't really use these as much, because there's less of them and they've been stuffed in behind the bigger bottles for quite some time. The two to the left of the tallest one are the same, they're both by Clinique and both made in the US apparently. And the tallest one is called Realities and I'm not really sure who it's by, so if you know comment it. 
This one is Jennifer Aniston. And if you don't know who that is, I suggest you go watch F.R.I.E.N.D.S asap. Her perfume smells elegant. The bottle is so neat too isn't it? I would hate to use it up all at once so I usually only wear it for special occasions. If you're looking to buy it, I see it at Target sometimes and I know Sephora has it and also Ulta. 
Oh Taylor Swift. I love her perfumes. I haven't tried her third one yet but I think I better use up some of these other ones first.  The purple one is called Wonderstruck and the red one is called Enchanted.The purple one is a more springy smell and the red one is more of a wintry smell. I've been using the red one more often lately since it's still winter. Still. Can it end soon though? I love these bottles, the charms are a really cool touch to it. These two are probably my favorite ones as I use them the most! You can find these at Ulta, sometimes Kohls, and Target and Macy's. I also have the lotion and shower gel which came with the Wonderstruck (purple bottle). 
This might sound really bad, but I haven't actually worn this one yet. I can't wait to wear it though, it's just smells like summer or spring so I'm trying to hold off. It's Our Moment by One Direction. The bottle is pink. I love pink. It's a really cool design. And hey I got a free picture of the boys with it too! If you're looking to buy it, Ulta has it, otherwise I'd check the boys website! ( http://onedirection.edenparfums.com/ ) Oh, there's also a commercial that plays right away so make sure you're volume isn't all the way up. And don't look in their eyes if you're a teenage girl. You might experience heart or breathing troubles. 

These two are really great smells! Love's Baby Soft smells like baby powder not like an overwhelming amount just...soft, which is probably why they call it Baby Soft. I've gone through about two bottles already so I try not to use these up so much. You can get these here http://www.danaclassics.com/ . I'm not really sure where they sell them in stores as I haven't bought these myself. I'm pretty sure these were gifts for my birthday or some holiday.
These two have slowly begun to become my new favorites, the really tall one is called Clinque Happy. And the shorter one is by Tommy Hilfiger called Tommy Girl. Someone complemented me that I smelled good while I was wearing Tommy and it was the first time I had worn it in awhile so obviously it was a success. They're almost out, as you can see. I have to get more soon! I'm not even sure if they still make these to be quite honest, I'll have to look. They were hand-me-down perfumes from my mom. 
I love Bath and Body Works. It's one of those "must go in" places at every mall. They're always having some sort of sale. Unfortunatley I find somethings to be kind of pricey but sometimes you can find a good deal! My absolute favorite thing they have ever done is make the Frozen Daiquiri scents. I had the lotion at one point, it's now long gone and I've had the spray. After I found out they didn't make it anymore I was really sad so I decided to use it sparingly. I also had the lipgloss as well. I also really like Midnight Pomegranate. It has a wintery smell on it. Obviously shown off by the snowflake. They usually always have it in stores so I just spray it on after a shower or right before I leave. The Citrus Punch Body Splash(with moisturizing aloe vera ) is a good one too. It's more of a summery smell. And my Pink Chiffon is the newest, as it's the fullest out of the selection. I haven't really had a lot of time to use it but I do like the way it smells! The one in the middle with the bow around it is called Honey. It's from the Sweetheart collection that Bath and Body Works did and it's one of my favorites. It's easy to travel with too as it's not glass and it's less likely to break. That being said, I use it the most and it's such a good smell. Like summer but I wear it in the winter anyway. You can see their products here bathandbodyworks.com

An essential in any handbag is a portable perfume tube. I love these as I can put them on basically anywhere to smell fresh. And I don't even have to lug around a big bottle of perfume! Who does that? 
These are the only three I have, The littlest one is Viva La Juicy by Juicy Couture (which I just opened before writing this blog ) , you can get that at Victoria's secret as well as the one to the far right which is Heavenly. Heavenly is my favorite smell. Which sadly mine is almost out, I'm running on bare minimum. The one in the middle is also a new one for me it's called Me by Aeropastle. It smells very nice too! I've used it a few times. 

I need to learn how to travel with these things. It's easier to travel with the ones that are plastic like the Bath and Body Works Honey perfume which I just stick in a glove and tuck away in my bag, but sometimes gloves can't fit everything so I tend to just whip out some kleenex and pair-less gloves and put them in one of my makeup bags. There has to be a better system right? 

Also, little heads up..I added a new page to my blog if you haven't seen it! It's the "Get in Touch" page at the top! It has my twitter, instagram and email so if you have questions or suggestions then you can just email me or follow me and see what I'm up to. Also if you just need anyone to talk to you can always send me an email saying hello. I like to meet new people and I don't bite, I promise. I also would love it if you sent me your blog links if you have one so I can follow you! 
Hope you have a great day! 

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